Categorias: Todos - diuretics - hydration - history - acquisition

por Frank Gomez III 3 anos atrás



For renography procedures, specific equipment and configurations are essential, including LFOV, LEHR, and parallel hole collimators for differential calculations, as well as pinhole collimators for cortical images.


LFOV, LEHR, Parallel hole collimator for differential calculation. Pinhole collimator for cortical images. SPECT- dual or triple head. Matrix 128x128 20% Energy window

Patient may eat and drink. Patient should be well hydrated 1 hour prior to study. Diuretics should be discontinued for 3 days prior to study. ACE inhibitors should be discontinued 48 hrs prior for Captopril, and 1 week for Lisinopril or Enalprilat prior to study. Obtain focused history.

Enalprilat .04mg/kg over 3-5 mins Max dose of 2.5mg

Tc-99m Mag3 10 mCi

Captopril 25-50mg

Renal Scintigraphy

Cystography Vesicoureteral reflux study

Tc-99m Sulfur colloid .5-1 mCi Tc-99m DTPA .5-1mCi
Insert catheter using aseptic techniques. Hang 500ml of normal saline 25cm above table or chair. Position patient supine or sitting upright. If patient can use potty chair, place chair in front of camera with camera face posterior to patient. Inject RP into tubing connected to bladder catheter.Fill bladder to max capacity (age+2)x30=volume (ml) Record the filling volume when reflux is first observed and at max filling. Obtain prevoid static images. Obtain multiple sequential voiding images by removing the catheter and having patient void. Obtain postvoid image.

Acquisition: Dynamic- Filling/voiding (10-15s/frame) Static- 120s View: Posterior, Additional views: RAO. LAO post infusion, postvoid.

Patient preperation
Cover work area with absorbent paper. Obtain consent for catheterization. Patient may eat and take medications. Patient should be well hydrated 1 hour prior to study. Obtain focused history.
Evaluation and detection of VUR

Renal Cortical Imaging Morphological imaging

Instruct patient to void immediately prior to study. Position patient supine with kidneys and bladder in FOV. If using a pinhole collimator, kidneys should fill 75% of FOV. Administer bolus and begin imaging. Patient should return after 2-4 hrs for additional static images. Obtain a pre-void and post-void bladder image.

Acquisition: Dynamic- 2-4 sec per frame for 60-120s Static- 1-2 min per frame for 20-30 mins SPECT (optional) View: posterior, anterior for transplanted kidneys, RPO, LPO, RL, LL.

Tc-99m DMSA 5 mCi Pediatric dose 50uCi/kg
TC-99m Gluceptate 10-15mCi Children 200uCi/kg
Adema or scarring from acute pyelonephritis

Renography with ACE inhibitor

ACE inhibition renogram

Patient should void prior to study. Record patients blood pressure.

Baseline scan

Captopril should be taken orally 1 hour prior to procedure. Instruct patient to void immediately prior to study. Position patient supine with kidneys in FOV. Administer bolus and begin imaging.

Differentiation of renal vascular hypertension (RVH) from renal artery stenosis. Diagnosis or exclusion of RVH.


Tc-99m Mag3

Tc-99m DTPA


Asses split renal function, Assessment of renal function


Renography W/Diuretic

Instruct patient to void immediately prior to study. Position patient supine with kidneys and bladder in FOV. Administer bolus and begin imaging. Obtain a pre-void and post-void bladder image.

Administer Furosemide 20 mins into sequential imaging.

Acquisition: Dynamic- 2-4 sec per frame for 60-120s Static- 1-2 min per frame for 20-30 mins View: posterior

Indications for a study

Patient may eat and take medications. Patient should be well hydrated 1 hour prior to study. Diuretics should be discontinued prior to study. Obtain focused history.

Evaluation of obstructive nephropathy. Evaluation of hydronephrosis Distinguish between obstructive hydronephrosis and Nonobstructive collecting system dilation.


Instruct patient to void immediately prior to study. Position patient supine with kidneys in FOV. Administer bolus and begin imaging.
Acquisition: Dynamic- 2-4 sec per frame for 60-120s Static- 1-2 min per frame for 20-30 mins View: Posterior

Patient Preperation

Patient may eat and take medications. Patient should be well hydrated 1 hour prior to study. Obtain focused history.
History: 1. Diabetes 2. Hypertension 3. Kidney disease, UTI, Calculi 4. Autoimmune disease 5. Renal surgery

Equipment and configurations

LFOV, LEHR Matrix 128x128 20% Energy window