Categorias: Todos - britain - enlightenment - colonies

por Reyna Mendoza 7 anos atrás


Reyna Mendoza , P5 Mindmap

During the period from 1607 to 1754, Britain exerted control over its American colonies, maintaining a balance of trade that favored exports over imports. Europeans, believing themselves superior to Native Americans, often treated them harshly, using them as slaves and attempting to convert them to Christianity.

Reyna Mendoza , P5 Mindmap

US History through the years

Period 9 1980- present

Iraq war and gulf war
In the persian gulf war after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the US invaded Iraq to liberate Kuwait. Iraq set Kuwait's oil fields on fire so the Americans couldn't gain the oil, this caused the US to set military bases in Saudi Arabia , also known as operation desert Storm
in The iraq war The USA went to war with Saddam Hussein because Hussein kicked out UN weapons inspectors, he was building weapons of mass destruction, he didn't obey the no-fly zones limitations, he was a savage dictator.
9/11 and global war on terror patriotism
As a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, significantly weakened restrictions on law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury's authority to regulate financial transactions. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA Patriot Act's expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.
The attacks of 9/11 four planes used as missiles took down the World Trade Center Tower. They were the deadliest attack on US soil and led to far reaching changes in American life. The War on Terror is a term which started as a result of the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. This resulted in an international military campaign to eliminate al-Qaeda and other militant organizations. The United Kingdom and many other NATO and non-NATO nations participate in this conflict.
Stock market crash of 1987 and 2007
The financial crisis of 2008 was the worst financial crisis since Great Depression it involved real estate, banks , insurance companies collapse, affected global economies .
in The stock market crash of 1987 the dow jones dropped 22.6%, the largest single day drop since 1914, causes included trade deficits, computerized trading, and american criticism of west germany's economic policies and the crash later affected the insurance industry and was a cause of the savings and loan crisis.

Period 8 1945- 1980

civil rights movement, the red scare, and
Counterculture /woodstock festival and feminism
Feminism was a movement that aimed at equal rights for women. During the 1960's and the 1980's women began to demand liberation of their own. Betty Friedan wrote the book THE Feminine Mystique. The Feminine Mystique criticized the women's role in the house, and how because they were required to stay home they were unhappy. This helped to voice the movement that was beginning to stir. She also created the national organization for women, it pushed for liberation of freedom. Its main force force for the organization was for a change in work force.
The counterculture were young white middle-class people called hippies. They believed in a society based on peace and love. Rock'n'roll, colorful clothes, and the use of drugs, lived in large groups. They lived in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district because of the availability of drugs.
The Baby boomers generation in the 190's and latin american immigration to the U.S.
Hispanic migration to the cities West started as many Hispanics also moved from rural to urban areas, many became ranchers or farmers. Barrios were southwestern cities mexicans found themselves in mexican ghettos.
After world war 2 families had tons of babies, creating what is called the baby boomers generation. This, lead to a 20 % population during the 50's and also led to an increasing consumer demand.

Period 7 1890- 1945

Period 6 1865- 1898

Immigration acts, quotas and the great migration made by southern people mainly african americans to the north.
The emergency quota act of 1921 were that newcomers from Europe were restricted at any year to a quota, which was set at 3% of the people of their nationality who lived in the U.S. in 1910. And the immigration act of 1924, cut the quotas down to 2%.
In order to restrict immigration, the law enlarged the group of immigrants that could be excluded from the United States. Literacy test were given to all immigrants and any immigrant who could not pass the tests was not allowed entry into the U.S.. In the 1890's, workers feared their jobs would be taken by the Japanese immigrants and they wanted a law preventing any more immigrants to move to the United States. In 1907 Japan established the Gentlemen's Agreement which promised that they would halt the unrestricted immigration if President Roosevelt promised to discourage any laws being made that would restrict Japanese immigration to the US. During the 1920's African americans seeked economic escape form the south and fled north.
The great depression was an economic crisis and period of low business activity in the U.S and other countries. It began with the stock market crashing in october of 1929 and throughout most of the 1930's. It was one of the darkest events that occurred in the Unites States.
This economic crisis was definitely a turning point for the unites states. After the election of Herbert Hoover, we see the stock market crash of 1929 and the beginning of the Great Depression. We see the passage of the Hawley-Smoot tariff that contributed to expanding the depression to some point internationally. During Hoover's presidency, we see the Bonus March by war veterans and the establishment of what were dubbed as "Hoovervilles." Hoovers actions are what led to the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.
The causes of the great depression were false prosperity, speculation,the stock market crash, bankinf crisis and unemplyment and republican policies. The outcome of this crisis was unemployment rate reaching as high as 25% in the U.S, US total production (GNP) went from 104 billion to 56 billion, Banks were closed, Marriage and birth rate declined, Hoovervilles, Shacks houses of poor people who lost their homes that sprung up all around the US and many americans living in poverty.
World war 1 and war world 2 were to great wars as in bad meaning that happened between countries like germany, united states, france, britain, japan, and many other european countries
the first world war was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the second world war was fought from 1939- 1945. They were the largest military conflicts in history. Both wars involved military alliances with different countries. The first world war was centered in Europe and The nations and conflicting nations were divided into two groups, The central powers and the allied powers. The central powers group consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. The Allied powers group consisted of France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and (from 1917) the U.S. World war 2, the oppossing alliances were referred as the axis of evil and the allies. The axis of evil were Germany, Japan, and Italy and the allies were France, The U.S, Britain, Soviet union, China
The first world war had a series of events leading to war that Serbian terrorist assassinates Franz Ferdinand, Austrian government issues ultimatum threatening war against Serbia and invades, Germany government declares war against Russia as Austria's Ally, Germany declares war against France, an ally of Russia, and immediately begins an invasion of Belgium, and Great Britain declares War against Germany.

Period 5 1844 - 1877

Abraham lincoln serving president during the The civil war between the union and the confederate south, Slavery and the emancipation proclamation.
The emancipation proclamation was issues by President Lincoln and this freed absolutely no slaves on the day it was given but it did change the purpose of the war and caused Europeans to withdraw from supporting south.
Events that have lead to the civil war include the missouri compromise, nat turners rebellion, wilmot proviso, slavery issues, secession also Lincoln presidency.
trans continental railroad, pollution from industrialization.
With rapid increase from technology industrialization started it was based on a national market of industry, application of new technology coupled with the large increase in manpower, continuous machine production and assembly line production.
The transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869 at Promontory, Utah. It connected the eastern railroad system with California's railroad system, revolutionizing transportation in the west, A railroad that stretches across a continent from coast to coast. The Transcontinental Railroad made it so that it was easier to for mail and goods to travel faster and cheaper. It took land away from Native Americans and many were killed.
The belief of manifest destiny was an expression around the 1940's. Many people believed that the U.S was destined to expansion "sea to sea," from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. This belief led to acquisition of territory.
territories acquired through the belief of manifest destiny were desiring to secure Oregon Territory, California, Mexican land in the Southwest, and, in the 1850s, Cuba. By the end of the century, expansionists were employing quasi-Darwinist reasoning to argue that because its ‘Anglo-Saxon heritage’ made America supremely fit, it had become the nation’s manifest destiny to extend its influence beyond its continental boundaries into the Pacific and Caribbean basins.
Manifest destiny created a sense of unity among the nation and stimulated westward expansion. This expansion would involve the progress of liberty and individual economic opportunity as well. After Congress voted to annex Texas, the Mexican government began war preparations when Texans accepted annexation. In response, to this Polk sent troops to occupy Texas and the disputed territory south of the Nueces River. Polk believed that the land was part of the Louisiana Purchase, and that it belonged to the United States.

period 4 1800- 1848

The transcendentalist movement led to beliefs and ideas about spiritually connecting to nature. Also the 2nd awakening occurred during this period and also many up rising reformers such as temperance and abolition.
The 2nd great awakening was a movement that arose as early as 1801 and were a series of revivals. It attracted women, blacks, and native americans. Effected moral movements the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery. The temperance movement ured to refrain drinking. William Lloyd Garrison was an abolitionist and social reformer and one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society. In the American Anti-Slavery Society Garrison and other abolitionist burned the constitution as a proslavery document and urged for a union without slaveholders.
Transcendentalism was a movement existing from the 1830' s it was a movement for religious renewal, literary innovation, and social transformation. Its ideas were grounded in the claim that divine truth could be known intuitively. it was considered the principal expression of romanticism in America. Some transcendentalist writers included Ralph waldo Emerson and Henry david Thoreau. Reasons why this movement rose was because it promoted respect for human capabilities and it arose in part of a reaction against increasing industrialization in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and against the dehumanization and materialism. It was a reaction against the extreme rationalism of the enlightenment.
As the US population expands so does the technology, and technological advances in the 19th century were railroads, steamboats, canals.
These railroads linked separated cities and fostered independence. The big four railroad line in the northeast: Baltimore and Ohio, Erie Railroad, New York Central Railroad, Pennsylvania Railroad. To build these railroads also needed cheap labor so many chinese immigrants fled to the United States from economic escape in their country and seeked cheap jobs like construction for railroads.
Technological advances in the 1800's such as the construction of railroads was a major advance in transportation that opened up new areas of land for settlement and expanded resources like coal and iron. This periodization of this turning point because it created towns, economic specialization, national market, first big businesses such as railroad corporations.
In the years of 1800 - 1848 Many irish and german migration to the south west occurred and the belief of expansion of the US throughout america. Migration occurred because the push and pull factors.
The great famine of 1848 through 1850 occurred in Ireland and it was hit by a rot attack of the potato crop, which the people had become dangerously dependent on. Tens of thousands of people, fleeing the land of famine for the land of plenty, flocked to America in the "Black Forties."
Push and pull factors drove many irish and german migration to the travel south west. The promise of good wages and a broad range of jobs that drew men and women from the country side and small towns into urban settings. Immigrants from north and western europe fled to the North east of america. New immigrants such as greeks, jews, etc. from southern and eastern europe and asia. Push factors were that immigrants were forced out of their country by factors like overpopulation, crop failure, famine, religious persecution, violence, and industrial depression.

period 3 1754-1800

During this time of rebellion in the north american british colonies identifying yourself as a loyalist or patriot was prett much on who's side you were on.
The patriots and the loyalist were far from being similar but had greater differences. The patriots were basically the american colonist who fought for independence from great britain. The loyalist, on the other side remained loyal to the king. Loyalist saw the british as corrupt and believed parliament wanted to control the internal affairs without cpnsent of the people.
The loyalist people of the colonies consisted of 20%, The richer and conservative. Loyalist Supported the King, wanted to remain subjects of the King. They wanted to trade with whoever they wanted and govern themselves. Loyalist, though, helped in four ways. 1. 50,000 American loyalists bore arms for the British, 2. Helped as spies. 3. Helped by inciting the Indians. 4. Patriot soldiers stayed at home to protect their families, thereby taking American soldiers out of the field.
The seven years war also known as the french and indian war, the french revolution and the XYZ affair were events that were occured in america in the world.
In response to the U.S refusal to honor the Franco-American Treaty of 1778, France sent a commission to discuss the disputes. president Adams criticized the french revolution, so france broke off relations with the U.S and Adams sent delegates to meet with french foreign minister, Talleyrand in hopes of sorting things out. Talleyrand's three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe. The Americans turned out not paying the bribe, and in 1798 Adams made the incident public, substituting the letters "X, Y and Z" for the names of the three French agents in his report to Congress.
Causes of the conflict between The french and english colonies. English colonist ran out of land, they want to move to the west. French & English both claim ohio river valley. Native americans aren't happy with the english colonist moving to their land. Effects of the war that since the war cost a lot to the colonist, the country pays for soldiers, supplies and weapons. This leads to the british establishing new taxes to pay off war debt. So now after war the west land that the english settled in are filled with unhappy native americans and that leads to pontiac war passed by britain the proclamation of 1763: making it illegal for colonist to move further west.
the stamp act, sugar act and intolerable acts were all british laws passed. The Stamp Act of 1764 raised revenue for the 13 American colonies it set a duty, or tax, in the form of a stamp required on all newspapers, legal and commercial documents. And the sugar act of 1754 set a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies which impacted the manufacture of rum in New England.
The sugar act was passed in 1764 and the stamp act was passed a year later in 1765. the two Acts of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were both British Laws that were passed by parliament during the reign of King George III and by the government led by Lord Grenville. The Sugar Act did not result in violent opposition that greeted the stamp act. The stamp act was designed to revenue from all of the colonies and the sugar act was designed to to raise revenue primarily from the New England colonies.
The purpose of the sugar act of 1754 was to reduce the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to three pence per gallon, but it ensured it could be collected by the british military. Other purposes for the sugar act was to regulate trade by effectively closing the legal trade to non-British suppliers. It's pure intention was to stop trade between New England and the Middle colonies with French, Dutch, and Spanish in the West Indies. It also taxed more on foreign goods. The effect of all of this was an economic impact and the issue of taxation without representation. It led to more bribing and smuggling. The stamp act and the sugar act both were sparks of a rebellion in the colonies. The purpose of the stamp act was to pay clear the War Debt incurred during the French Indian Wars (Seven Years War) and to establish british authority over the colonies. The Sugar Act and the Stamp Act were some of the laws that led to the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) and the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain.

period 2 1607-1754

The developments of colonies such as jamestown and the rise of religious faith lead to the puritans in the northern colonies.
The rise of the puritan faith in the north american colonies arose in patterns around religion in colonial culture in the period between 1600 and 1776. The puritans were a group of people who grew apart from the church of england and wanted to purify it. This belief led to the events of the salem witch trials that were hearing and prosecutions of people who were accused of witchcraft.
Jamestown, america's first english colonie in virginia 1607. This colony seeked to counterbalance the expansion of other european nations abroad, seeking a northwest passage to the orient and converting the native americans from virginia to anglican religion.
The enlightenment and the great awakening were a mass of ideas, beliefs, and culture that spread throughout the americas
The enlightenment movement and the great awakening which was a religious revival that swept through the british american colonies. The great awakening was a reaction against the Enlightenment, it was also a long term cause of the Revolution. New faiths that emerged had a democratic approach and there overall message was equality. This was the first time that all the colonies could share and see the differences between them.
The enlightenment began around the 17th century in Europe and it was a movement that believed that reason and knowledge could lead to progress and advancement. Ideas like the enlightenment thinkers truth could be discovered through reason and logical reasoning. Enlightenment thinkers believed that what was natural was also good and reasonable. Their view on happiness was to find it well being on earth.
Britain, the mother country controls the colonies and Europeans thought to be superior than the Native americans.
during this period of time Native americans were being used as slaves and treatment towards them were unfair. Europeans converted Native americans into christianity and made them assimilate to European customs.
Since there was no form of government to control the colonies in north america , Britain had control of the colonies and the balance of trade consisted of the fewer imports and more exports.

Period 1 (1491- 1607)

Native americans civilizations such as the Aztec,Anasazi, and iroquois and the colombian exchange analysis the interactions between the environment and americans.
The size of the Native american civilizations were overwhelmingly huge. These civilizations in Mexico and South America such as the incan, mayan, and aztec were developed thanks to the agriculture of maize.
The colombian exchange brought a turning point for the americas because it was an exchange between the old world, new world, and africa of ideas, foods, animals, diseases never introduced before. Slaves from africa were introduced to the new world and the new world gave the old world gold, silver, raw materials, and new diseases.


Contact among Native Americans, Europeans, and African Americans. As Native american populations migrated all over north Americas they developed societies and adapted to the environment. European expansion expanded to North America
The English expanded their land ownership by establishing colonies in North America, Settlements such as St. Augustine and Jamestown. The colonies were under control of Britain and used mercantilism to enrich the mother nation of Britain. Salutary Neglect was a period where colonists could have self government as long as the colony produced money for their mother nation.
The English moved to the americas for religious freedom, and the same reason as the Spanish Conquistadors, the desire for gold and wealth and lastly the desire for land ownership.
cash crops such as rice, tobacco and indigo were produced and joint stock corporations involved colony like Jamestown where the government gives the colony land and in return the colony gives the government gold.
The effects of trading cash crops, rice tobacco and indigo generated money for the economy and the mother nation.
The american economies were based on agriculture and trade. The encomienda system developed by the Spanish was a system of social class to regulate native american labor. In the encomienda system, conquistadors received grants of native americans and were suppose to convert them to christianity and protect them and instead, they enslaved them and took their lands.