Categorias: Todos - reparación - restauración - patrimonio - fortificación

por Camila Morales 3 anos atrás


San Sebastián del Pastelillo,

San Sebastián del Pastelillo, una fortificación histórica en Cartagena y patrimonio de la humanidad, fue objeto de una intervención no autorizada por parte del club de pesca local. La gerencia del club realizó obras de mampostería y pintura sin consultar a expertos en restauración, lo que provocó daños a las murallas.

San Sebastián del Pastelillo,

San Sebastián del Pastelillo,

Identify how rainforest animals have adapted to live in this unique environment.

Rainforests in Central America, Amazon, Asia, Africa, and Australia cover about 6% of our earth's surface, but they are the home ground for more than half of the species of animals in the world.

Quienes fueron los culpables y mi opinion


The Black Colobus Monkey

is among the most endangered primate species in Africa.

Pero debieron primero consultarlo con alguien superior

What layer of the rainforest does the Black Colobus Monkey belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:


Me parece que el club de pesca no lo hizo con una mala intención si no con una buena

What traits did the Black Colobus develop

in order to adjust to its habitat? Type in the answers.

Example: it has no thumbs since it has to leap through the forest habitat, and the chances of thumb injuries are very high.

Quienes Fueron

The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

has become famous because of its bizarre way of producing sounds. This cockroach makes a hissing sound by pushing air through tiny holes in its body.


El club de pesca de Cartagena

What characteristics did this coackroach develop

in order to adjust to the environment it is living in? Type in the answers.

Example: it is dark-colored, which makes its camouflage with the dirt and leaves a whole lot easier.

Que solución tuvo

Cuanto duro

The Silvery Gibbon

can only be found on the island of Java, Indonesia. Due to their isolated location, it is estimated that less than 2000 Silvery Gibbons are currently living in their natural habitat.

Luego de dos meses de trabajo sin descanso hoy podemos decir que le hemos cumplido al país y que continuaremos salvaguardando el patrimonio de todos los colombianos como lo hemos venido haciendo desde 1943”, aseguró Ximena Avilán, arquitecta para la Dirección de Patrimonio del Fuerte de San Sebastián del Pastelillo

What layer of the rainforest does the Silvery Gibbon belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:

Cuanto tiempo duro

Duro en total dos meses para reparar el muro

What characteristics did the gibbon develop to adjust to its environment?

Example: The Silvery Gibbon has long arms that help it swing easily through the branches.

Cual fue la solución

The Indian Cobra

is the world's most lethal species of cobra. It lives in the forests of India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Bangladesh.

Debia ser gente especializada ya que de lo contrario podrían empeorar la situación

Which layer of the rainforest does the Indian Cobra belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:


Contratar a gente especializada para arreglar el trabajo

What characteristics did the Indian Cobra develop?

Type in the traits that this animal developed in order to adapt to its habitat.

Example: it has patterned, circular lines on the back which creates an optical illusion. This way, it becomes more difficult to spot the Indian Cobra in its natural habitat.

Que es y la problemática actual


The Sloth

is an extremely slow-moving mammal found in the rainforests of Central and South America.

Cabe recordar que esta fortificación, por orden de la gerencia del club, fue sometida a obras de mampostería y pintura, sin el asesoramiento de un experto en restauración del patrimonio, afectando las murallas de la ciudad declarada patrimonio histórico de la humanidad por la Unesco en 1984

Which layer of the rainforest does the sloth live in?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:


San Sebastián del Pastelillo, patrimonio de la humanidad que fue pintado sin la autorización del Ministerio de Cultura, en agosto de este año

What characteristics did the sloth develop in order to adjust to the environment it is living in? Type in the answers.

Example: it has huge, hooked claws and strong, long arms that allow it to hang upside-down from trees.


Que es

The Toucan

is one of the most important species in the rainforest because it spreads the seeds of the fruits and plants that it eats, therefore contributing to plant biodiversity.

Es un bien patrimonial de la humanidad

Which layer of the rainforest does the toucan belong to?

The rainforest has 4 main layers:

Lugar en que se encuentra


What characteristics did the toucan develop while trying to adapt to this unique environment? Type in as many characteristics as you can find.

Example: Sharp, saw-like bill that helps it crack the nuts, berries and other fruits that it eats.