Categorias: Todos - hours - evaluations - schedules - advertising

por Joe Ameen 13 anos atrás


Semester Template

As the semester nears its end, preparations intensify to ensure a smooth transition into the next term. Midway through the semester, operating hours for the upcoming period are established and verified with key personnel before being posted online.

Semester Template

Semester Template

Reoccuring tasks

Monthly Circ Stats
Approve Staff Timesheets

Approve staff timesheets before the fifth of the month. Make sure that the hours reflected have been worked.


Pickup Student Paychecks

Paychecks are distributed every other Wednesday. The payroll calendar is on the PTR site. Left side on one of the tabs. Pick them up after 10am from the Cashiers desk.

Approve Student Timesheets

Approve student timesheets in PTR as they are submitted. They need to be in before Monday morning to ensure that the individual be paid on time. Make sure that the hours on the form are those actually worked by the individual.


QOW New Schedule Room Reservations

Check the room reservation site for anomalies and special events.

New Schedule

Each week a new schedule is published. Typically very similar to the previous week. Taking into account scheduled time off and special events.


The Question of the Week is an exercise that allows us to continue with training throughout the semester. Individuals are assigned weeks during the semester. Grading and following up with the students falls on the designated LAIII or LA IV.

Approaching the end of the semester.

About halfway through the semester we publish the hours for the next semester and intersession. Verify the hours with Donald and Eric for approval then coordinate with the webteam to have them posted online.

In addition to our operating hours we have to be mindful of the effects they have on our ILS and checkout dates.

Student Party

Towards the end of the semester we typically budget for a party to reward our student assistants for their hard work and to build a greater sense of community. Determine the budget and make sure that food is ordered.


Double check to ensure that the changing hours are reflected in CRS. Note that most of our bookings during finals are proctored exams for disability services.


Utilizing digital and physical signage as well as Happenings if needed let the users know that the Library will be changing it's hours.

Lights and Locks

Contact Frank Fimbrez and John Elliot regarding the changing Library hours during final exams and intersession. It's important that the lights and doors match our operating hours.


Determine the hours that the Library will stay open both during finals and intercession.


Put a call for schedules out as individuals begin signing up for classes. They will not all come in at once. Be aware of the number of hours you have available and begin populating the schedule. This usually takes a few weeks, schedules change and constraints fluxuate.


Evaluations go out every semester. Before finals divide up the students between the Access Services supervisory staff and complete the form. Towards the end of the semester sit down with the individual. Go over their evaluation, ask if they have any questions, offer them a copy. Keep and store the originals.

During Intersessions

Building Maintenance

Intersession is a good time to schedule maintenance on the building. Schedule in advance. Coordinate with Eric Scott.

CRS: Blackout times

Determine the appropriate times to black out in CRS. Buillding closures, breaks ect. Go into the site and make those times inaccessible to users.

Student Change/Extention Forms