Categorias: Todos - planets - aliens - science - technology

por Dag-Erling Jensen 12 anos atrás


Space Events

In the vastness of space, explorers frequently encounter a variety of uncommon and intriguing objects, each capable of triggering unique storyline events. Among these are pirate bases and alien monuments, the latter of which provides significant boosts to social science research when studied.

Space Events

Space Events Space isn't empty

Rare You don't find these often, but when you do a lot will happen. They can often trigger storyline events

Dysons Sphere The ship comes across an gigantic sphere on the scale of a small solar system.
Gain Entry You gain entry to the Dyson Sphere.

Empty The sphere is empty and abononed You gain + to blue science

Friendly Race The race living in here is friendly and shares their wisdom with your. You gain + to all tech colors

Hostile Race The sphere was a prison for an aggresive race. When you open this sphere they launch and attack on the ships you have in system. Unless defeated they escape and disapear into the galaxy.

unlocks wormhole research
abonend spacestation
restore, gives you bonus research of all colors
star gate
activation, takes you too the other end
unlocks star gate reasearch
hyper leak
can destoy ship
dimensional rift
attack from dimension x
gives blue science bonus

Common The most common things you find in space unless it's just empty space. These are often resources you can harvest.

Gas clouds Clousters of dense gas clouds create a very good place for long distance extractor ships.
Astroids A field of astroids create a very good place for long distance mining ships.

Uncommon Objects you find around 30% of the time. These can trigger storyline events.

Pirate Base
Pirate Ship
Alien artifact You come across an artifact drifting in space.
Warhead The artifact proved to be an ancient warhead. You gain some red science bonus.
Probe The artifact is a powered down probe. You gain some blue science bonus.
Alien monument An alien empire once created a monument in deep space. Setting up a science station here will give you a boost to Sosial Science.
Timed Event: Scientist dechiper parts of it, telling about an evil race that once sought to dominate all of the galaxy.
Gives bonus to sosial science
Dark Planet A planet drifting in the darkness of space.
Natural Planet This planet as been natrually formed. It counts as a barren world.
Artifical Planet This world was created by an other race aeons ago. Travling here can be dangerous, but if succesfull the player controlling can reap many rewards from the secrets contained here.

Resource Poor There are few natural resources on this planet

Science Bonus Putting up research stations here gives your empire vast bonuses.

Automatic Defence System The player triggers a defence system. They need to combat these down before they can colonize the planet.

Space Wreck Your explorer comes across a wreck of a spaceship.
Survivors You find survivors of an other empire in this ship. You gain a bonus too sosial science.
Random science bonus After the ship is taken you can search of new technology.
Aliens infestation The ships is filled with a dangerous alien creatures. You need to complete a successful boarding action before you take control of the ship.
Wreck comes alive Your explorer awakens the ships and it's defences come online.