Categorias: Todos - loyalty - justice - courage - conflict

por Amroop Bains - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 5 anos atrás


The Hate U Give Kenya

A character named Kenya is portrayed as self-centered, often making decisions that benefit her while negatively impacting others. She displays aggressive behavior, such as trying to start fights and leveraging her father'

The Hate U Give Kenya



The conflict does get solved though because of Kenya. After Kenya found out what happen she called Starr a "coward" for not standing up for Khalil. Kenya stated that "if Khalil was from Williamson you would've defended him". This really changed Starr's view and helped her understand that she needs to accept who she is and speak up for the whole neighbourhood to bring justice to Khalil This caused her to understand that she really does not need to hide anything from the kids that attend Williamson.
Starr does not speak up for Khalil about the incident that occured because she is scared that the kids from her mainly white private school were judge her of being from a high crime rated neighbourhood. The officers think that they can scare Starr of in order for her not to be a witness and speak to the public. The cops tried to send a message to Starr by officers pulling up to Maverick and stating that "he harrased Mr. Lewis.". Both of them deny these accusations but the officer whose name was Larry asked maverick "ID?" and then after he suddenly throws Maverick to the ground and puts his kneee on Maverick's back
The conflict does eventually get solved as King almost puts Maverick's store on fire. Kenya finds about this and informs Starr. King had warned Starr about snitching before and it would just put their lives in even more danger. Volunteers from the neighbourhood decide to speak out against King and he gets caught for his actions. Devante agreed to speak up against King causing King to be punished for his actions. King gets sent off and is not able to abuse his family anymore
Kenya, her brother Seven, mother Iesha, and sister Lyric are constantly getting beat by her father who is a gang leader Seven only shares a mother with Kenya, and he has a choice to stay with his father Maverick. Seven though states "I wanna be there to protect Kenya and Lyric from King's beatings". Kenya has no ability to stop her father King as he is the leader of the biggest gang in Garden Heights. This has caused Seven to choose to stay with Kenya so he is able to protect them, even if he gets abused as well.

Physical Traits

Evidence from the book is in the beginning when Starr stated “Kenya could be a model, if im completely honest. Shes got flawless dark-brown skin, slanted brown eyes, and long eyelashes that arent store-bought”.
Long Eyelashes
Dark-Brown Skin


This personality trait hurts Kenya because this will cause her to be making changes to herself to make it look like she is bigger or better than other people, similar to what she did to Starr she wanted to make it look like her family is better than the Carter's. She needs to understand she is not being judged by anyone and she is perfect the way she is.
Kenya demonstrates this personality trait of being insecure in the book when she apologized to Starr for calling Seven "my brother" instead of "our brother". She explains how she was insecure "fearing Seven wanted to be with the Carter"s" and felt ashamed of her family and father who is a gang leader. Kenya basically wanted to feel like their brother really wants to stick with her family and instead does not drift away to Carter's.

Person vs Person

The conflict does not get solved, but instead gets avoided as somebody shot a gun at the party causing everyone to evacuate. Kenya did not get the chance to confront Denasia at the party but then later said she is going to deal with her the next time she sees her.
Kenya wants to fight a girl named Denasia at the spring break party. Claims she has not liked the girl since 4th grade. Tries to instigate a fight by giving Denasia a dirty look and talking smack about her.

Supporter of Starr

Kenya is not successful with the role of being Starr's stepsister because she always has something negative to say about Starr. For example at the spring break party she told Star to leave her alone and dance because people think she is "all that". This shows that Starr does not care about how comfortable is at the party and instead cares about how others are gonna look at her instead. She wants to be seen as important in the party, even if it means ditching her step sister.
In the book Starr stated that "Kenya and I share an older brother, Seven. But she and I aren't related. Her momma is Seven's momma and my dad is Seven's dad". This basically means that Kenya and Starr have the same brother. Seven's father is Starr's father and Kenya's mother is Seven's mother.


Kenya demonstrates this personality trait of being self-centered in the book because she is always looking to fight someone, and threaten others that she is going to call her dad on them who is a gang leader. For example at the spring break party in Garden Heights Kenya sees a girl named Denasia Allen who she has not liked since the 4th grade. Immediately she starts giving her a “stank eye” to try and instigate a fight. She also states the only reason she brought her stepsister Start was to have a partner to help fight Denasia. This shows how Kenya doesnt care what others feel and think, at the end of the day she wants whatever makes her look more powerful.
This personality traits hurts Kenya as this makes her more selfish compared to others, shes going to be more focused on doing whatever benefits her and these choices can negatively affect others


This personality trait helps Kenya because as she is self-centered she still does deeply care about loved ones. She knew that it takes a lot of time to recover from an incident that Starr went through, so she tries her best to support Starr in the tough situation and makes sure she is alright
Kenya demonstrates the personality trait of being considerate in the book when she met up with Starr the day after the incdident occured. Kenya sees Starr waving off in thoughts, so she goes up to her and asks "hey you okay", Starr responds with "yeah'. To reassure Starr is fine Kenya said "you sure? you real quiet". Kenya knew that Starr would be going through a lot of different emotions as she is still recovering from the incident. So she tries to keep Starr company and make sure that she is doing alright.