Categorias: Todos - gamification - competence - autonomy - engagement

por Garrett James Hiscock 1 ano atrás


Using Mobile Devices as a Tool to Enhance Student Engagement

The integration of mobile devices in education aims to address the prevalent issue of student disengagement by employing a gamification-based learning approach. This strategy is rooted in Self-Determination Theory (

Using Mobile Devices as a Tool to Enhance Student Engagement

Using Mobile Devices as a Tool to Enhance Student Engagement

5. Implementation

Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the approach
Providing opportunities for autonomy, competence, and relatedness
Incorporating game-like elements into the curriculum

6. Expected Outcomes

Improved achievement of learning outcomes
Increased student engagement in learning

7. Continuous improvement

Sharing of best practices and lessons learned with other educators and institutions.
Ongoing refinement of the gamification-based learning approach based on feedback and data

4. Components of Approach

Fostering a sense of connection to others
Providing students for students to feel adequate and capable
Giving students control and choice in their learning
Game-like elements

3. Theoretical Foundation

Self-determination theory (SDT)

2. Solution

Gamification-based learning approach

1. Problem

Lack of student engagement in learning