Categorias: Todos - examples - infinitive - verbs - object

por Annika Schricker 4 anos atrás


Verb patterns with ING or INFINITIVE _ Annika Schricker

Verb patterns in English involve understanding when to use the infinitive form or the -ing form after certain verbs. Some verbs, such as "allow," "ask," and "invite," typically follow the structure of verb + object + to + infinitive, as in "

Verb patterns with ING or INFINITIVE _ Annika Schricker

Verb Patterns with ING and INFINITIVE


With DIFFERENT meanings
forget; remember; go on; mean; regret; stop; try


I've tried callING my parents, but they weren't at home.

I've tried TO use MS-Teams for the first time. But the chat was over before I found it.


I stop TO go for a walk now. So that I can concentrate better after it.

I'm going to stop eatING so much chocolate.


I regret TO tell you that the deadline has expired.

I regret bringING my homework late today.


I meant TO do my homework yesterday, but my day had not enough hours.

Forgeting my homework yesterday means studyING harder this week.

go on

Even if I don´t like those online-courses, I go on studyING

My job as a carpenter was beautyful, nevertheless I went on TO study in Bamberg.


Do you remember repairING my bike last year? I never did it again.

Did you remember TO repair my bike, so that I can drive to university tomorrow.


She took a lot of pictures to never forget visitING Bamberg.

She forgot TO take in her medication. So she had to go to hospital

With SIMILAR meanings
begin; continue; hate; like; love; prefer; start

I begin to study at 8 am everyday.

I begin studyING at 8 am everyday.


Use object + Infinitive following these words
feel; hear; let; make; notice; watch; see

I saw her drive by last week.

You let me do this experience on my own.

I heard the e-mail come in.


Use object + TO + Infinitive following these verbs
allow; tell; persuade; help; encourage; would like; teach; need; force; ask; want; remind; invite; expect

They invited us TO visit their new house.

You teached us TO use verb patterns with ING and infinitive.

I allowed him TO use my sewing machine.

Verb + ING

Use ING form of verb following these verbs
avoid; imagine; regret; consider; keep; risk; dislike; mind; suggest; enjoy; practice; finish; recommend

We imagine livING in our own house later.

He minds not beING too loud in the evening.

I enjoy walkING outside.

I avoid doING my homework late.


Use TO + Infinitive following these verbs
agree; aim; arrange; expect; hope; intend; need; plan; prepare; manage; decide; choose; promise; want; learn


I hope TO go to university soon.

I intend TO get a primary school teacher.

I plan TO finish my studies in 2023.

He needs TO cook if he wants to eat something.