Categorias: Todos - functions - understanding - communication - nonverbal

por Stephen Weaver 11 anos atrás


Verbal communication

The discussion primarily revolves around the intricacies of verbal and nonverbal communication. Participants shared their insights on how everyday interactions can be interpreted differently by various individuals.

Verbal communication

Verbal CommunicationWhat did you learn?What was your muddiest point?Please sign your name after you comment.

For verbal communication, I knew most forms of communication from having previous classes on communication. However, I did not know about signs and symbols and how each is played into our lives. I am a little bit unclear on the positive and negative face. I am not completely sure I know the distinct differences between the two. -Kara Bennett

I learned about the different views of communtication. The thing I may strugge with is memorizing the terminology


I have learned that communication is more than just talking. communication is verbal & nonverbal. communication can be texts, calling, letters, and the Internet. Alyssa Klinker

I had never thought about the difference between signs and symbols.

The relationship between signs and symbols in communication may be the most interesting. -Zac Johansen

in verbal communication I learned about the formal and nonformal ways of communixation and how the functions of talk categorize communication. I am a little confused with conversational hypertext... Kait Bailer!

Something I learned so far, that I did not know before is what there's specific accommodations for speaking with certain people. I had exsperienced this happening, but the two manners in which it occurres was new to me. Either the individual can converge to the person they are talking to but adjusting their speech patterns towards them, or they can diverge but directing their speech patterns away from the person they are speaking to. -Brittany Akins
A point that I am still not clear on is the concept of differing a symbol from a sign, is a symbol representing something directly and a sign is an effect of something else? -Brittany Akins

I've learned that communication is so much more than just talking. Just by gestures and face expressions you can tell what a person is thinking. I learned that langue is the formal grammatical structure often found in books and Parole is how people actually use language with a slang. The muddiest part for me would have to be the three functions of talk. I just seem to get them mixed up at times. -Brooke Menchhofer

I never really thought about what communication was, and How pretty much everything is communication. I've always just thought of two people having a conversation being communication but there is really more to communication than I thought, pretty cool. :) The thing that is hardest for me to understand is probably the negative and the positive, it just confuses me a little. -Amanda Spaw

Something new that I learned about was facework. I always knew how it felt, but I never knew the name or how it worked. My muddiest points are the differences between the functions of talk: instramental, indexical, and essential. ~Abbi Kiefer
The negative and positive face wants? We maintain positive face by wanting to feel respected and valued in society. We want people to think we're cool and that we fit in, or that we're smart and contribute. Negative face is when you just want to withdraw from interactions, you want to not be imposed apon when your studying or watching TV, so if your parents come and say "Clean up your room!" while you're studying or watching TV, they are invading that Negative Face Want. Makes sense? Steve Weaver
Hypertext are those words that you share that are kind of like "keywords" that no on outside your relationship knows. An example is "Hunts" which my friend called his mom, because she got catsup all over once. Someone outside that relationship would be like, "Hunts?" Low code is basically informal way of speaking. Steve Weaver

I've always known communication was important, but never have i thought about the complexity of it. This class is showing me how to breakdown communication in to those finer points (parole, indexical, facework, encoding, static, etc.). I'm having a little trouble distinguishing the dissimilarity between "hypertext" and "low code." To me they are the same thing. Todd K.

I learned that we communicate so much through our nonverbal actions without even realizing what we are encoding. Also that people will decode our actions in many different ways. My muddiest point would be reading all of the other comments from my class mates. I have no clue what some of them are talking about and I guess I missed a lot more than I thought when I was absent Wednesday and Friday. =O -Veronica Hayes

Red the chapter on verbal communication. I have highlighted most of the items that we covered. Steve Weaver

I learned that communication is never neutral. We all have our opinion and way of viewing different things. We even have our own personal outlook on facts given to us. You never really think about your opinion, it is just there when you read or listen to someone or something else. I also had never thought of the differences between signs and symbols, but learned about them. I am still a little unclear on negation and how in class we defined it as "what it is, it is not." -Carly Huth

Check out what I said for Dana above on Negation. Steve Weaver

I learned that communication involves a lot more than the average person knows. As humans, we know how to talk, but we don't go deeper into analyzing the parts of communication that we use everyday. -Kaylee Murphy

I learned that there are several ways to communicate not just by talking or texted or writing.. Aaron Vallejo

I learned that communication is the easiest way to communicate, but you communicate differetnly with someone depending on how well you know them. I'm still not positive on facworks... Brittany Beard

OK, I'll try to address it more in class.

I learned that communication is more then just people talking. The muddy part is the indexical, instremental, and essential. Keith Back

OK, I will talk more about that as everyone seems to have questions about it.

I understand verbal communication pretty well. the only thing that is muddy was the faceworks. wouldn't that be more of a nonverbal?- Emily Wendel

It could be, but this is in regards to what we say to people. We say things that make others feel valued or respected and we say things to play to these wants for ourself (positive face wants). We also say things that establish our need to be not treated as inferior or to have time to ourselves (negative face wants). Steve Weaver

I learned that there are three levels of communication: action, interaction, transaction. I also learned the difference between signs and symbols (even though I still think it's very small). I'm still uncear about the three functions talk seres in relationships (instrumental, indexical, and essential), mainly the differences between the last two.-Cody Fuelling

Think of it more as different ways of viewing the communication process, rather than levels of communication. Indexical is how you speak which indicates what kind of relationship you're in. Such as saying "sweety" indicates it is romantic or closer. Essential is basically a function of talk in making the relationship real and talking it into being by simply assuming that it exists. Talk that recognizes you have a relationship like "Hey, lets hang out." Steve Weaver

I learned social construction is a big part of how we learn and also communicate- society forms our norms and impacts our paroles within verbal communication. I'm still unclear about negation and applying it? - Dana Glover

Social Construction is huge, it's how we view and talk about our realities. Negation is simply by saying what it is, you saying what it isn't. So by saying "chest" you know it's not on the "back." By saying "palm" you know it's not the back of the hand. Also, it can be used in stating what you want, by saying what you don't want. "I don't want anything to sweet." Thereby, getting something closer to what you do want, like something sour. Make sense? Steve Weaver
Makes sense!

Main topic

I learned that one thingthat we see and hear everyday could mean something totally differant to someone else. I would say my muddist point would be the difference between instrumental, indexical and essential functions of talk. - Ryan Burns

I never thought to hard about communications, and this is why I was surprised to find that we literally use it ALL THE TIME. it is a lot of things we already knew that we just took for granted. I am a little confused about the differences between the three talk function series in relationships.mayson Whitman

I am afraid to ask, but what's a unicorn?

I never knew about negatives face, wow what a thing!

I never realized how we used communication in every aspect of our lives, even when it's not on purpose!

Yep, we take it for granted a lot in our daily lives! Steve Weaver

I was opened to a new way of thinking about signs and symbols. I guess I didnt picture them to be so different. shalyn renfrow

Well, it's just a different way of thinking about the world, a new way to conceptualize things! Steve Weaver.

I learned that verbal communication is anything that is said and that oppinions more often then not dictate what we say. I am a little unsure of the different kinds of verbal communication however. -Ashton Jordan