por Zahraa Al-alak 15 anos atrás
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A. Topic Sentence: Have you ever wanted something to happen but was too afraid to speak out and let your thoughts be heard?
1. People all over the world have had this happen to them. When something matters to them they do not speak up and they become silenced out.
2. Some people don’t get a chance to speak up and others decide not to. Even though they should always speak their minds, some people just don’t have the courage to stand up for what they believe in.
B. Martin Luther King once said, “Our lives being to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” I agree with this saying because it is very true. Our lives do end when we are silent because when people are silent about things that bother them, they should speak up but instead they stay silent and times become worse.
C. Being silent about the things that matter most to us is never something that should be done because what we believe in could be something that would make things a lot better and easier.
1. When people express the way they feel by speaking up, others would have more respect for them because they would be speaking their minds and letting their thoughts and dreams be heard by all.
2. Martin Luther King spoke up about his dream and let it be known that justice would be served. He followed through with his dream and had it come true. He changed the world for good.
A. Believing in something is one thing and taking action about what we believe in is another thing.
1. If people took charge of what they believe in then they would be leading the way for many followers. Those followers would be the people that would respect and praise the leader. They would be the ones to stand behind his/her back while the leader guides the way to freedom or justice or anything they believe would be fair.
2. By speaking up and leading the way people would be letting their dreams be known. They would be making a difference in life and making a change for the better.
B. People who become too shy or don’t have the courage to stand up for what they believe allow other people to make changes and think for themselves.
1. When this happens, the person in question would never receive the same amount of rights as other.
2. Their thoughts and dreams would be pushed to the side while others, who could stand up for what they believe in, let their dreams be heard.
A. Everyone should have the same determination as Martin Luther King.
1. He stood up for what he believed in and wouldn’t let it go until he received his justice.
2. King had a lot of followers and he promised them so much. In the end, everything he promised came true because he never showed a sign of weakness and kept his motivation to finish what he had started.
B. Martin Luther King had many different dreams. He had dreams of freedom and dreams of integration.
1. Because Martin Luther King had these dreams, he let them be heard by all the people. He went through a lot and was faced with so much obstacles, but he still managed to keep his dream alive.
2. King’s saying, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter,” shows exactly what happens when people become silent about the things that matter. Lives do end when silence occurs because everyone has a dream, everyone thinks and has thoughts, so everyone should be letting their dreams, thoughts and ideas be heard by all. People should always stand up for what they believe in and keep their motivation strong.