Graphic Organizers in Biology
Assessment categories
Knowlege & Understanding
content knowledge
use of correct facts
correct terminology and definitions
content understanding
concepts and ideas accurate
processes accurate
Thinking & Investigation
critical and creative thinking
analyzing and interpreting information
process skills and strategies
gathering data for graphic organizer
expression and organization of ideas and information
using visual/written form
logical organization
clear and easy to follow
making connections in graphic organizer
Curriculum Connections
Diversity of Living Things
All living things can be classified according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics
B2.2 classify, and draw biological diagrams of, representative organisms from each of the kingdoms according to their unifying and distinguishing anatomical and physiological characteristics
B3.2 compare and contrast the structure and function of different types of prokaryotes, eukaryotes, and viruses (using a venn diagram)
Animals: Structure and Function
Groups of organs with specific structures and functions work together as systems, which interact with other systems in the body
Steps for students
1. Engage with topic
2. Gather data and research to make sure information is accurate
3. Brainstorm all ideas to be included
4. Plan and experiment with layout of graphic organizer
grouping related topics
5. Make connections between different ideas and concepts
6. Finalize map
Limited (1)
Some (2)
Considerable (3)
Thorough (4)
Big Ideas
Specific Expectations
Vertebrate Cladogram
Bony Skeleton
Ray-finned fish
Four limbs
Amniotic egg
Rodents & rabbits
Eggs with shell