Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

Addition and Subtraction with Fractions

Intended Audience

5th Grade Students

Student will understand:
-That estimation can be used to determine the reasonableness of an answer

-The effects of operations for adding and subtracting fractions are the same as those with whole numbers (Example: adding two positive fractions results in a sum greater than either of the fractions).

-Combining or separating like-sized parts can make it easier to add and subtract parts such as fractions. (Example: combining eighths with eighths is easier than combining eighths with sevenths)

-Fractions with unlike denominators can be renamed as equivalent fractions with like -Denominators to create like-sized parts for adding and subtracting.

-Interpreting and modeling a word problem involving fractions requires finding out whether the fractions refer to the same whole.


Equivalent Fractions

Lesson 1: Make equivalent fractions with the number line, the area
model, and numbers.

Lesson 2: Make equivalent fractions with sums of fractions with like

Making Like Units Pictorially

Lesson 3: Add fractions with unlike units using the strategy of creating
equivalent fractions.

Lesson 4: Add fractions with sums between 1 and 2.

Lesson 5: Subtract fractions with unlike units using the strategy of
creating equivalent fractions.

Lesson 6: Subtract fractions from numbers between 1 and 2.

Lesson 7: Solve two-step word problems.

Making Like Units Numerically

Lesson 8: Add fractions to and subtract fractions from whole numbers
using equivalence and the number line as strategies.

Lesson 9: Add fractions making like units numerically.

Lesson 10: Add fractions with sums greater than 2.

Lesson 11: Subtract fractions making like units numerically.

Lesson 12: Subtract fractions greater than or equal to 1.

Description of Project

Standards & Competencies

Jefferson County CCAP Documents

ISTE Standards

Supporting Materials

Mega Math


Fraction Games

IXL Math

You Tube Videos

In 4th grade, students explored the concept of equivalency in fractions. In this unit, students will apply equivalent fractions as a strategy to addition and subtraction fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators in mathematical and real world situations. Students will participate in class discussions, collaborative activities and online games to improve their understanding of equivalent fractions.

5th Grade Math Module by Michelle McHugh

Learning Outcomes & Objectives