

Gross Pay: is the pay an
employee recieves before
any deductions


Transactions were recorded with pen and paper, now at days on digital records

Evidence of accounting from back 10,000 years has been found in the Babylonian Empire, in the Pharoah's Egypt and in Ancient China

Liability: the amount owned

Revenue: is an increase in
owners equily and assets due
to business operations

Owners Equity: the rest to
the assets of company

is the planning, recording,
analyzing and interpreting
of financial information.

Normal Balance: the side of a
T account that shows increase


The increase in assets equal debits

Sales account is owner's equity

Cash recieved is an asset, increase in assets are recorded as debits

Accounting Recivable: are accounts
which contain amounts for which a
costumer has been involved but not

Assets: anything owned by
the company that has value

Equities: financial right
to the assets of a company

Types of Business

Partnership: small groups of owners, two or more

Sole Proriertorship: single owner

Corporation: many owners