

The Purpose/Why:
To check on the learning of each individual student at the end of each period to see if they have understood what they have learned. Also to see if what the students are learning is helping them to understand the subject matter.

Mid-Terms, final projects

Is an assessment that evaluates where a students learning is at at the end of each period and compares it to a standard. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the curriculum being taught.

How/When It's Used:
It's used at the end of each period and it's used to see if each student has achieved each learning goal. It's also used to determine if a curriculum needs to be modified to fit the students needs and learning goals.

Interim/ Benchmark

The Purpose/Why:
To make sure a student is progressing throughout the year and not regressing.

Chapter Tests, projects, essays with rubrics

Is an assessment that checks a students understanding of the current learning material that's being presented and continues to check throughout the school year.

How/When It's Used:
Its used during different intervals throughout the school year and used to also establish if a student has reached their learning goals at each interval.


The Purpose/Why:
Helps with student learning, setting goals, and adjusting teaching strategies when applicable. Also helps a student to find their strengths and weaknesses in the classroom

Weekly Quizzes, lesson exit tickets

Is an ongoing process to monitor and evaluate students on their current learning and their activities, using a variety of methods

How/When It's Used:
Before, during or after a lesson and when the students are in groups together


The Purpose/Why:
To comparing one student to state standards in school and/or to compare to standards outside of the classroom

Outside of school-Driver's License Exam

Is an assessment that tests the knowledge of an individual student against that of a fixed, predetermined tests; unlike Norm-referenced tests, one student scored does not affect another students scores.

How/When It's Used:
It is used at the end of a curriculum to determine if a student has understood what they have been taught so far and if they have enough knowledge to proceed forward with the rest of the curriculum or onto the next grade level.