Assistive Technology: Mindomo

How to incorporate into the classroom?


Pre work assignments like brainstorming or organization of ideas

Concept maps instead of essays or papers allows for organization of ideas as well as integration of quotes
and can be then sent to others and the teacher for evaluation


Pre work for group projects

In a class setting, creation of notes through group discussions

Creation of group assignments different members can simultaneously share ideas (Each student can use different colours to indicate who has added what ideas)

Special Needs

There is a spell check feature

Visual break down Students could use to outline essays - every topic a new paragraph

Every subtopic is the evidence

every sub-sub topic is the connection back to the thesis
(The dotted line represents a visual indication of the connection back to the main paragraph)

Teachers can use to create notes or breakdown assignments for students who need work chucked.

Can incorporate words and well as images

Advantages and Challenges


It is a web-based program

Can be used with multiple operating systems
as well as different browsers

Mind maps can be kept private or made public

Tasks can be completed individually
or collaboratively

Drag and drop method, therefore user friendly

Projects can be exported and printed. There are a variety of programs a project can be downloaded into.

It is connected through D2L so if you school board uses D2L it can be embedded into your class webpage


It can only be used on the internet

There is no off line working

Free versions have limited capability

There is special educational pricing

What is it?

an online mind mapping tool

mind maps can be made public or kept private

it can be used individually or collaboratively

How to use Mindomo


Can be used in Windows, OS X or Linux Operating Systems

You need Adobe Flash Player 10 to use