

About My Family


INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about you and your family in about 1-2 paragraphs (5-8 sentences each)EXAMPLE: I live in a family of four. Life can be kind of crazy living with 3 boys! My husband is an educator, and so am I. We both enjoy working with children and shaping their future. My sons sadly don’t seem to realize that their mother is a teacher and seem to think that I never know what I am talking about! Our days are absolute chaos because before COVID hit my husband and I would work all day and then come home only to run the boys around town to all of their rep soccer practices and games. We were out of the house 5 nights a week with no rest in sight.  COVID has been a nice change for our fmily as we all get to slow down and spend time together. Although we can all get on each other’s nerves at times, my sons are 11 and 9 and soon they will be so busy with their own lives that my husband and I are trying to enjoy the time we have at home.#My name is Hamza. My siblings and I were born in Canada, but my parents came from Sri Lanka. I live in a family of 6. First of all of course there are my parents. I have 3 sisters. Which means I am the only boy. Most people will think that it is sad being the only boy. But actually, it ain't that bad. For example, my sisters are girls so they usually would not be into things that I would do, like playing video games or buying clothes that I would wear. Since I am the only boy, I have more freedom than other boys would have if they had brothers. In terms of jobs, my dad works in a hotel office, in one of the best hotels in Toronto. My mom does not work, she chooses to take care of her children which is respectful. At the moment my oldest sister is 21, and my other older sister is 15. I am 12, and my younger sister is 9. My most memorable moment was when I went on a plane for the first time in 2023.




INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about your early years 0-3. You might have to ask your families to help with this!This should be 1-2 paragraphs of about 5-8 sentences.You may also use dot jot notesI was born on April 21, 2012, and my father gave me a historical religious name. Hamza means God's lion, the name came from a brave and fierce Islamic fighter back in 500 ADI played with my toys a lotI had so many trains and carsI used to watch a British cartoon show called Thomas and Friends Back in this age, I used always to wear my shoes oppositely




INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about your early years 4-8. You might have to ask your families to help with this!Use the audio voice recording feature to complete this section2016 was a milestone in my life. It was my first year in school, and I started kindergarten this year, which was really fun and amazing. I really miss those years because they were so fun. We didn't need to focus on work; we just had to have fun. Honestly, these 4 years were all just amazing. Life was just perfect and amazing. Then in 2020, there was the whole pandemic. I was in 2nd grade at the time. I kind of liked the lockdown, because we got to stay home. I would just be playing games at home. The only negative is we never got to go outside.




INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about you at Age 9. Use dot jot notes and include at least 3 things at this ageInclude at least one pictureThis can include:Where you attended schoolActivities you took part inYour hobbies at this timePlaces you've been I attended Cornell JPSI was in grade 3I used to love playing RobloxThis is the time I loved drawing a lotIt was peak COVID, so I did not travel anywhere outside of Canada, But I did go to Niagara FallsI remember School being shut down from February all the way to June, I used to love staying at home.





INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about you at Age 10. Use dot jot notes and include at least 3 things at this ageInclude at least one pictureInclude one video of your hobby at this time (e.g., a video of your favourite soccer player)This can include:Where you attended schoolActivities you took part inYour hobbies at this timePlaces you've beenThis is where I got into soccerI went to Wonderland this yearBecause of the COVID lockdown that lasted 2 years, this is the year I really enjoyed the outdoorMy hobbies this year were playing video games, and playing outdoorsThis is the year the FIFA World Cup happened,




INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about you at Age 11. Use dot jot notes and include at least 3 things at this ageInclude at least one pictureThis can include:Where you attended schoolActivities you took part inYour hobbies at this timePlaces you've beenI attended Cornell JPS I went on vacation for the first time this yearI got my Ps5 this yearSince I got my PS5, my hobbies have been playing FIFA, but I also still like playing volleyball.





INSTRUCTIONS:Tell me about you right now!!. Use dot jot notes and include at least 3 things at this ageInclude at least 2 picturesThis can include:Where you attend schoolActivities you take part inYour hobbies at this timePlaces you've beenAnything else!I attend Tecumseh Senior Public SchoolIt is my first year in middle schoolI was a part of the volleyball team Playing sports in the snow, hanging in the snow





INSTRUCTIONS:Use the AUDIO RECORDING FEATURE to record 2-3 obstacles you've faced in your lifetime One obstacle I have faced in my life is breaking my leg. It was bad because, after that, my leg was never the same. I couldn't walk or run like I used to. To this day, my leg is still affected by it.Another obstacle I have faced in my life is losing people, for example there are people after the covid lockdown that I never saw again.



INSTRUCTIONS:Use pictures to tell me about your future! What goals do you have?What do you want to be when you grow up?What place do you want to visit?What are you saving up to buy?What do you want to join?USE ABOUT 5-8 PICTURES!I want to become a content creator and an influencerI want to live in Dubai.I am saving up to go to Saudi Arabia to do a pilgrimage. My goal is to become rich and make my parents proudTravel the world. Maldives, France, and Italy
