Be who I want to be,
Build relationships &
Help others to grow in happiness
Be responsible
Be wise
Think before I speak or act
Study the Book of Mormon
and words of the prophets
Study out of the best resources
Ponder what God tells me as a result of studying
Apply God's teachings.
Meet my own needs
Be physically well
Get enough sleep
Drink enough water
Healthy eating
Be spiritually healthy
Have the right perspective
Be humble
Be grateful
Be forgiving
Be clean - repent now
Be prayerful
Be positive and optimistic -
Hope (no dispair or negativity)
(e.g. Have a song memorized
to replace negative thoughts with)
Be filled with love
Be happy - it's my choice
Be a responsible Husband
Do my part to provide her physical, emotional, spiritual, financial needs
Be a responsible Father
Hold them accountable
After school routine
Do my part to provide their physical, emotional, spiritual, financial needs
Protect them from evil and danger
Be giving
Listen and learn about them
Voice mine and/or God's love for them
Frequently show my love and gratitude in meaningful ways
Represent Christ. Visit them if sick, Be an example and influence for good. Seek His will.
Help them be self-reliant, including getting them back on their feet. Includes offering specific ideas that may apply to their needs. Don't try to control them.
Help them to go to the temple (whether living or dead). Share the gospel (after they feel loved and respected)
Help them to know their own worth in God's eyes and that He is asking for their help.
Share about myself. Include my testimony and that I am a disciple of Christ.
Invite them to tell me about their needs that arise in the future.
Be respectful
Be Accepting
Look at others with an eye of faith
Don't judge
God doesn't expect me or anyone else to be perfect.
He wants our safe return.
Considert a list all of the burdens and
responsibilities on their shoulders
Respect their right to their own feelings, friends, activities, and opinions
Help them feel safe expressing themselves and doing things
Respond to concerns
Listen, putting my heart into it.
What part is reasonable?
(focus on that)
"get it" and voice that
"can I share my perspective?"
Move toward their view
Don't be defensive, instead: "will you please rephrase that? I'm starting to feel defensive."
Voice issues
Voice what I'm feeling,
why (observations only),
& what I need (complaint)
Say 3 positive things for each concern
(at least up to 6 positive things)
No criticism such as "always", "never", attacking
Never insult, degrade (contempt)
Move closer to people
(being more at one)
Be willing (not stubborn)
Try out suggestions
Share my emotions, hopes, dreams, wishes
Share my intent so that it is not taken
as criticism or added burden.
Own problems together
Support others in their goals
Spouse: Anxious concern
for her well-being
Notice what is going on with her and deduce what she needs
Let her know about decisions I'm making that affect her
For a task, do my part for her, then do mine.
"Pray for the love to make my spouse's joys my own"
Prioritize: spouse, children, (extended) family including ancestors, church calling, friends, ward members, enemies, acquaintances, strangers.