Bivariate statistical measures of regression and correlation


measures the closeness of the relationship between two or more variables considering the joint variation of the two measurements, neither of which is subject to restriction by the experimenter.

Correlation coefficient

Term used in regression analysis to designate the strength of the linear relationship between criterion and predictor variables.

techniques that will allow us to establish the strength, the intensity of the relationship (correlation) between these variables.

Topic principal

bivariate statistical measures

coefficient of determination R2.

simple linear correlation

simple regression


Dispersion diagram

positive correlation and negative correlation


is used to derive an equation that relates the criterion variable to one or more predictor variables. In this, the frequency distribution of the criterion variable is considered when one or more of the prediction variables are kept fixed at various values.

It is established by means of a mathematical model that allows us to represent the set of observations through a straight, parabolic, exponential or any other type of line.

determination coefficient

Term used in regression analysis to denote the relative proportion of the total variation in the criterion variable that can be explained by the fitted regression equation.

includes the analysis of sample data to find out how two or more variables are related to each other in a town