Do you think that high schools should have a history class fully dedicated to teaching about Indigenous history?


I think that high schools should have class of indigenoius history.

my three point are, some poeple would like to learn about indigenous histroy, Indigenous groups are a big part of the world and people should know about their history and Indigenous people should be more noticed and not ignored.

i thnk that we should learn more about indigenous history because we aways learn about residential schools every year.

Argument 1

it's imporant for people to understand the hard ships about the indigenous people.

some of my friends would like to learn and i would also like to learn about it too. a lot of people didn't know about the 60 scoop and how a lot of indignenous people got killed and tourcth at residential schools.

it's imporant that we learn about indiigenous hisotry so we don't make the same mistake.

Indigenous groups are a big part of the world and people should know about their history

my argument

my friends and me think that it not fair that indigenous have not been given more respect and how most of the kids in the indigenous community don't get to learn about there cultural.

it not fair that indienous people don't get the respect they deserves. it was there land and took there land and never did are part of the deal.

Indigenous people should be more noticed and not ignored

my argument

it's imporant for indigenous poeple to be noticed beausce they lost there kids in the 60's scoop, they were strip of there culture for two deckaids and they also had to suffer in residential schools.

they were strip of there culture because white people didn't like them


i thnk that we should learn more about indigenous history because we aways learn about residential schools every year.

my three point are, some poeple would like to learn about indigenous histroy, Indigenous groups are a big part of the world and people should know about their history and Indigenous people should be more noticed and not ignored.^

this is why i feel that we should have class about indigenous history.