DSF System

01) Web Portal

01.01) DSF Admin Portal

01.01.01) DSF Admin Users

01.01.08) DSF Consultants


add consultant show photo on create page, pull from ssss if available or add manualllyConsultant industry select more than 1Industry required - allowed me to create consultant without industryedit consultant - photoName, surname, email does not pull through at admin details in consultant profile - need photo as well

01.01.11) Setup Industries Access Levels Documents Appointments


Add required on site per industry Equipment Types


Add Expected Life & Maintenance Interval fields.Use as initial value when type is assigned to equipment.add default risk matrix

Equipment List


create default list of equipment per typeadd deftault risk matrix

01.01.02) Clients


when a client default admin is added, search for person (email address) in existing client admin list (default and client added).If found, link the new client admin role to the person admin profile.Update admin portal to enable admin user with links to multiple clients to switch between clients (organisations).

01.01.03) Forms Form Builder Form Templates Form Schedules

01.01.05) Legislation

01.01.06) Government Authorities

01.01.04) Audits Audit Schedule

01.01.xx) Usage Reports


UsageHave usage reports for all variable usage driven items, to be filtered by client (or all) and by date (date range).This should include (have the option for) DSF/System usage.Total usage should = to sum(client usage) plus DSF/System usage - should balance.Standard report for now summary of each item, per month, per client to be exported to csv/excel for manual billing.Current items:Home Affair LookupsSMSesEmailsWhatsApp Messages (planned)Three LevelsA2O level (to be discussed)DSF Admin Level (this item)DSF Client Level (see item 01.02.xx)All three levels should 'balance'.Billing (Phase 1):basically just track cost.Ability to add unit costs - effective per date. Should keep history.Client reports - for invoice balancing - client bill per time period based on usage and unit costs for time period (could be over multiple periods)? standard report/dashboard - bill sofar for billing period (to be set up by A20)

Incident Types


List of incident typetype nameshort descriptioncorrective action checklistsupporting documents

01.03) Consultant Admin Portal

01.03.01) Clients

01.03.02) Consultant Profile

01.02) Client Admin Portal

01.02.01) Client Admin Users


when adding client admin users check for existing admin profiles and action as per actions when creating client in root portal.

01.02.02) Company Details Company Information


https://forms.digitalsafetyfiles.com/DSFPORTAL/form/CAPTUREORGANISATIONDATATOINITIATEDSFSETUP/formperma/EcWaeNk4xE41xg-gBKMzpPiHLKda0U94mmVEljjDMGoPlus alles by client create.

a Management Details


Select from Employees Company Documents


As per document allocations compiled in root user (client)

01.02.04) Legislation


View legislation from root based on IndustryOption to add custom per client information

01.02.18) Government Authorities


View Government Authorities from root based on IndustryOption to add custom per client information

01.02.05) Employees Employee Details


when adding an employee, ask for ID or Identity number first.Once received, compare DSF user base to see if the person already has a DSF user profile.If found, provide a message saying the person (give name and surname) is already on the DSF user database, continue to link user as an employee. If done, user details are used / linked as per his/her user profile. If not found, continue with creating of employee, once submitted create user profile as per process.If not found, give option to verify details on home affairs - note of the cost. If verified, follow current process and 'cash' users details.add employee ID tag:- foto (home affairs if available, anders profile)- qr code wat persoon identifiseer (employee number)(Marinda to give template) Employee Documents Employee Appointments

Badge (beskryf QR Code)

Home Affairs



Show attendance per site, per employee etc.pull data from app inputShow list of all "entries" - employees in and out with total hoursSearch filter per employee/site, day etcoption to export to csv/excel

01.02.10) Incidents


Log Incident:Log incident on behalf of memberdate, site, main person involved (select employee), short description, photo, other parties involved, other (?)select typebased on type - receive corrective actions/forms to be completed (?)View Incidents (Incident Log/Register):list of incidents - show all infoable to sort per type, time range, site and more.Able to update incident / upload completed documents ens.

01.02.06) Sub Contractors Sub Contractor Details Sub Contractor Documents Subcontractor Roles & Appointments

01.02.07) Equipment Equipment List


Equipment Details:NameDescriptionTypePhotoPurchase Date & AmountExpected Life & Maintenance Interval (initial value from type allocation, allow user to change/update initial value. Do not change type value)Last Maintenance Event (date and amount)Add button - import from template1) select type2) show all std equipment in type and option to select3) add selectedRisk assessment for equipment:add option for default risk assessment on equipment type in rootcopy default on type when root equipment is created as 'initial value'. This can be updated/changed to apply to that specific equipmentWhen equipment is added per client - default assessment should be copied as initial values from type if equipment entered is not selected from list or from equipment if selected.Risk assessment should contain:Risk IDRisk HazardRisk descriptionResponsible (appointment in default - person in client)Likelihood (Almost Certain; Likely; Possible; Unlikely; Rare)Consequence (minor, moderate, serious, major, catastrophic )Risk Rating (Likelihood * Consequence) - Low Riks (1-3) Possible Risk (4-11) Medium Risk (12-14) High Risk (15-24) Critical Risk (25)Control MeasuresAfter measures risk score as per aboveSafe Work Method Statement (document upload)NotasPhoto's - Images Equipment Documents

Equipment risk

01.02.08) Sites Site List Site Map Site Scope of Work Emergency Contacts


"Directory soos Glovent" Site Induction Site Documents Allocations Notice of Construction



Show attendance for site, per employee etc.Pull data from app inputShow list of all "entries" - employees in and out with total hoursSearch filter per employee, day etcoption to export to csv/excel



add warning if all required appointments not present



with risks

Site Poster

Risk Register


list of risks per siteView risk (like created in equipment)manage risk (add/edit)Risk Review DateTask/reminder to review risk 30 days before review due.

01.02.09) Forms & Documents Form & Document Templates Form & Document Allocations

01.02.11) Digital Safety File Site DSF QR Codes Site DSF

01.02.13) Audits

01.02.12) Risk Assessment

01.02.15) Groupings Projects

01.02.16) Profesional Team

01.02.17) Permits

Tasks / Actions (add)

Communicate (add)

01.02.xx Usage Reports


Usage:Have usage reports for all variable usage driven items, to be filtered by date (date range).Standard report for now summary of each item, per month, for manual billing confirmation.Current items:Home Affair LookupsSMSesEmailsWhatsApp Messages (planned)Three LevelsA2O level (to be discussed)DSF Admin Level (01.01.xx)DSF Client Level (this item)All three levels should 'balance'.Billing (Phase 1):basically just track cost.Multiply usage by cost (as per dsf admin) for time periodstandard report/dashboard - bill sofar for billing period (to be set up by dsf admin)

02) PWA

02.01) Visitor Register

02.01.01) Complete Visitor Register

02.01.02) Site Induction (if 1st time)

02.02) General Information

02.03) Site DSF

02.04) Incident Report

02.05) Company Documents

02.06) Emergency Contacts

Site Poster

03) Mobile App


General Layout / Look & feel:App icon - use only "D" or "DSF" and increase size to fill iconrename app to DSF capitals, not small lettersApp layout - login journeythe app 'home' screen should be that of a site the member is linked to. If only one site, then that one, if more than one, the last one the member worked on.The site menu items should be listed as tiles on the home screen, tiles layout as discussed.Available tiles should be dynamic in accordance with the member's allocations on that site and the assigned access roles.All other (if any) sites the person is allocated to / has access to should then be listed in the left "burger menu" - Organisation Name, followed by the site/sites. When any site is selected in this menu list, then the home screen should change to that specific site.bottom of menu bar will get standard item - so be provided.We talked about the DSF logo top of menu bar and the organisation logo on the home screen top bar followed by the site name.The initial bottom app icons are home (in site context), Messages (just an envelope item for now should be fine, details of page to follow) and then a Task (maybe a 'check list' icon as place holder for now.

03.18) Member Login


Ability to log into app with mobile number and otp, based on employees created in admin portal.site access levels based on appointments and access levels linked to appointments.Alternative login option (to mobile with sms) to be discussed, bit concerned about potential sms costs to clients if this is the main login method. Facial (not phone, system) still an alternative on the table, or maybe a password option for those who care to remember it. To be discussed.

03.19) Member Profile


ability to view and / or edit his/her user details - these are universal over all sites & clients. Therefore if it is changed here, then it updates for all linked clients. Fields: Photo, Name, Surname, Identity Number, mobile number, email address, Employee documents - ability to view and manage his/her documents as per the system requirements. (details to be provided by Adriaan). Should be able to view existing documents with relevant details and upload new documents or new versions - not delete any documents.

03.01) Management Details


A "view only" page displaying the Client Management details as per the Client Admin portal.Member should not be able to edit or add/delete anything here - just viewShould however have 'dynamic' links - clickable email and phone numbers

03.02) Emergency Contacts


A "view only" page displaying the Emergency Contact details as defined on Client and Site level ina the Client Admin portal.Member should not be able to edit or add/delete anything here - just viewShould however have 'dynamic' links - clickable email and phone numbersSplit in 2 sections - one for client/company emergency contacts that are constent over sites and then a section for the site specific emergency contacts.

03.03) Legalisation


A "view only" page displaying the Legleslation details as defined in the Root and Client Admin portal.Member should not be able to edit or add/delete anything here - just viewShould however have 'dynamic' links - clickable email and phone numbers

03.20) Government Authorities


A "view only" page displaying the Government Authorities details as defined in the Root and Client Admin portal.Member should not be able to edit or add/delete anything here - just viewShould however have 'dynamic' links - clickable email and phone numbers

03.04) Company Documents


A "view only" page displaying the Company (Client) documents as managed in the Client Admin portal.Member should not be able to edit or add/delete anything here - just view (and then download/share the document)

03.05) Site (Attendance) Register


?? "Toolbox talks"/Site induction ens:<manager to record what he discussed/did>....Check in/out:Stap 1: Find employee - scan qr of searchif qr en employee is op client, not site, ask to add to siteif qr en employee not found, se employee not foundStap 2: When found, show employee summaryfoto NB (wat as nie foto het nie - opsie to add photo daar sommer met kamera van foon?)show short details, name, van, mobile, id ensshow compliance (documents) - just indication, if click to to that person employee documentsshow 'current check-in status - check in, time, site of checked out.Stap 3: Gee opsie, check in of check outcheck in - record date/time/sitecheck out - record date/time/siteif check in, but not out - say not out, record out details.if check out, but not in - say not in, record in details.....Current site attendance summarylist of employees on site with total hours worked (rolling 7 days/rolling 30 days)."current on site list" select employee, show list of all attendance - search/filter per date rangeOtherShow employee badge in his/her member app

03.06) Site Induction

03.07) Digital Safety File

03.08) Tasks

03.09) Auditor Register

03.10) Site Form Templates

03.11) Print DSF File

03.12) Incidents


Log Incident:Member able to log an incidentdate (auto), location - gps (auto), user details (auto), short description, photo, other parties involved.select typebased on type - receive corrective actions & / supporting documents / forms to be completed (?)View Incidents (Incident Log/Register):list of incidents on that site (any confidential information, like parties involved?)able to sort per type, time range and more.

03.13) Risk Assessment

03.14) Employees

03.15) Sub Contractors

03.16) Equipment


Display list of equipment

03.17) Audits