European expansion

Geographical Location

Definition: A specific place of point on the earth using longitude and latitude.

Explanation: The CN tower is located 43.6426 North and 79.3871 West which is what Geographical location is.

Example: England, Germany, France and more

European Nationalism

Definition: when one country or content is far superior to other in this case the Europeans were the strongest content at the time. Or it could me a sense of loyalty to a country or content

Explanation: Like how Germany ruled over Cameroon and once they colonised them they thought they were far superior to them and also another explanation for it is when you are loyal to a country like how a french soldier is loyal to France

Example: France ruling over Senegal

Industrial Revolution

Definition: A time that rapid development of industry that occurred in Brittan in the 18th and 19th century which brought the introduction to machinery

Explanation: It is basically like when the British invented the steam engine or improved it as it helped them to power trains factory's and boats and more.

Example: When things were made like sewing machines, telephones and power looms

Agriculture Revolution

Definition: The period of time technological improvement an increased crop productivity in Europe that occurred in the 18th and 19th century.

Explanation: This was a time when people like British used to grow most of there food like carrots and vegetables also when they made improvements to there technology like there engines and more things.

Example: Basically the increase of crops growing like carrots, lettuce, beets and other vegtables also technological improvements like new inventions and improving on the technology they already have.

Adventure And Excitement

Definition: Is when someone or you can be on an adventure and get involved with an unusual but exciting event

Explnation: say you are walking around in the forest and then you see a big volcano pop up and on the top is 1 million dollar so you venture up the Volcano to get the million dollars but along the way are some challenges which brings excitement and an adventure

Example: When you are on a big adventure somewhere and there is an exiting twist to the adventure like when you are on a trail in the forest and then something exciting happens

Place To Dump Unwanted People

Definition: Where unwanted kids or people are sent if they do a small crime and is usually where wanted criminals are sent like if a kid stole a piece of bread they would get sent there.

Explanation: When people of your own kind or not even your own kind were sent to places where the put unwanted people or criminals like when a person steals a bit of clothing because they are homeless they will still get sent there as those are considered huge crimes in those place during that time

Example: When a teenager steals a piece of bread because they have no food and is sent to these places because what he did is considered a big crime in Europe

European Racism

Definition: The definition is basically that Europeans thought that white men were stronger and more Superior to other coloured men.

Explanation: When a white man say from France would Say that they are more superior and stronger than other coloured men and they are perfect and other coloured men have no place in the world which is basically the white mans Burden.

Example: when a white man say to another coloured man I am better than you and things he is superior to the other coloured man


Definition: when a different group might believe or worship a different god or may believe in different things some people might be the same religion as you and believe the same things as you where as others may not.

Explanation: Like how most British people during the European expansion religion is Christianity and that is the main religion of British people

Example: Some examples of religion is Christianity, Hinduism and more

Military Bases

Definition: facility owned by the military that shelters military equipment also army members stay there and is used for training and operations

Explanation: Like when the Germans used there military bases to plan attacks, supply there army power, and a place to stay.

Example: There is a military base located in California called NAWS China Lake

Image of geographical location

Image of geographical location

Image Of A Military Base

Image Of A Military Base

Images of Religions symbols

Images of Religions symbols

Image of European Racism

Image of European Racism

Image of people getting shipped to a place

Image of people getting shipped to a place

Image of adventure and excitment

Image of adventure and excitment

Image or European nationalism

Image or European nationalism

Image of Industrial revolution

Image of Industrial revolution

Image of the Agriculture Revolution

Image of the Agriculture Revolution