means of communication

science and technology

the progressive weakening of the ozone layer product of excessive use of fluorocarbon agents
pollution and constant wear soils for planting because of the use of pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals,
acid rain caused by air pollution
the large amount of radioactive waste produced by the activities of nuclear plants
is the set of systematically structured knowledge. Science is knowledge gained by observing regular patterns of reasoning and experimentation

science and technology work had in had to improve the quality of human life the development of science produced clothes discoveries and inventions which give us positive and negative effects there are lots of advantages and disadvantages in which the science and technology can give to people and its environment
Communication is the process by which information can be transmitted from one entity to another, altering the state of knowledge of the receiving entity.

how it affects human life?
Technology is the set of scientifically ordered, expertise for designing and creating goods and services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and satisfying the essential needs as desires of humanity.

what is communication?

The technology made people gain more control over nature and build a civilized existence.
increase the production of material goods and services and reduced the amount of work required to produce a large number of things.
Today, many people live longer and healthier as a result of the technology is.
The invention of the automobile, radio, television and telephone revolutionized the way of life and work of many millions.