Fantastic kitties and were to find them 26 S3
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what does abyssinian mean

The typical Abyssinian Cat has an overall height of 8.0”-10.0" (20-25 cm) and body length of 12.0”-16.0” (30-41 cm). An average Abyssinian Cat weighs between 8-12 lb (4-5 kg) and has a typical lifespan of 9-13 years
1 : any of a breed of medium-sized slender domestic cats of African origin with short usually brownish hair ticked with bands of darker color. 2 dated : a native or inhabitant of Abyssinia : ethiopian sense 1.
The Abyssinian cat is quiet, intelligent and curious and is said to enjoy human company and become attached to its family. It enjoys space and activity, is a good climber, and will appreciate a garden full of trees and high places. Abyssinian cats are playful but tempered with some sense so are not too wreckless!
The Abyssinian comes in a wide variety of colours, including usual - the most common colour - sorrel, blue, chocolate, lilac, fawn and silver, and all of these colours can also be found in the silver variety