Foster School-Family Cooperation
Best practices
get to know student survey for parents
child's strengths, challenges and lives outside of school
ask how they prefer to be communicated with
update they most value

Report the small positives
focus on the pro-social behaviour
quick to do
builds productive T-P foundation to be more receptive to negatives
spurs positive conversation b/w students-parents
avoid"How was school today?""Fine."
Parent-Teacher Conferences
do early/start of year
communicate expectations
open house
student attend PTC too
Ask students question to answer for parents
find common ground
Home visits
Student-ledclass newspaper
leave contact number
sports schedules, upcoming events like picture day and prom, school news, and classroom topics.
checks curriculum outcome: writing
Family activities
Family interviews
Family pot lucks
Family picnics
Multicultural events
Games nights
Student/community performances

Family Playlists(learn by teaching)
Parent as enforcer
Parent as flipped lesson teacher
Rely on expensive computers. Mobile-first
Communication content
Central location
Class recap
Weekly updates: announcements, special events
Homework assigned
Video-recorded lessons
Student-created content
what students learned
classroom managment
student achievement
student motivation
community support
sustaining change

parents lack knowledge/ability/language to help
Be available
"Be informed"Not "flood of information"
Make school parent-accessible
Parent/Guardian Academies
educational seminars
bullying prevention
learning difference
identity development
Evening drop-in English corner for parents
volunteer opportunities
parents as guest speakers
View diversity as strengths
inclusive language
"Dear families" vs. "Dear parents"
"Names for parents/guardians" vs. "Mom's name/Dad's name"
inclusive of language, culture
find out key relationships(might not be "parents")
find out why (busy, multiple jobs, conflicts, poverty)
provide support services
child care
make it easier to connect
conduct home visits