green lifestyle
Simple lifestyle
HK Science Park
Invent new materials
govt. promotion
lower tax, buying second-hand things
Follow European countries
Following this main thought, there are 3 ways that we can obtain it. They are Education, Technology and government pomotion. Each one willbe given an example disclosing the insuffient work done by HK people. For education, HK can follow the ways that is used by Europeancountries. example: the lunchboxes provided to students still cannot bedisposed. ( more details should be included) For technology, scientists can help to inevent marterials that can bedisposed. example: HK Science Park ( near Chinese University) do not haveenough resourses to invent things, including invention of preservation ofenvironment. For government promotion, governement can lower the tax by buyingsecond-hand clothes or necessaries. Also, transportation cost can also bereduced by encouraing people to lodge trade via internet. example: STILL THINKING
lunboxes provided, not disposable
Following this main thought, there are 3 ways that we can obtain it. They are Education, Technology and government pomotion. Each one willbe given an example disclosing the insuffient work done by HK people. For education, HK can follow the ways that is used by Europeancountries. example: the lunchboxes provided to students still cannot bedisposed. ( more details should be included) For technology, scientists can help to inevent marterials that can bedisposed. example: HK Science Park ( near Chinese University) do not haveenough resourses to invent things, including invention of preservation ofenvironment. For government promotion, governement can lower the tax by buyingsecond-hand clothes or necessaries. Also, transportation cost can also bereduced by encouraing people to lodge trade via internet. example: STILL THINKING