History 1980 - Present
By: Daniel Nguyen
Law and
Trudeau’s Speech
Inglis Factory Strike
Trudeau and The Constitution
April 17 1982
Inquiry Question
Do you think the law will continue to change in the future? What events may cause this?
Similar to what had happened in the past, without a doubt, it is entirely possible that the law, especially in a democratic country such as Canada, where people are allowed to voice their opinion and force change when a majority sees fit. Especially recently, with the events such as Covid-19, the Trucker’s Protest, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it is very likely that the law or rights may change. There is almost a chance that history may repeat itself, causing an uproar within a society or something new may rise, demanding change.
Women in Charter
Elizabeth May
Meech Lake Accord
Free Trade 1988 Elections
Alberta Oil Boom 1970s
Inquiry Question
What are the primary push factors that caused people to immigrate within Canada?
To cause families and individuals to decide and immigrate from one country to another, there are many factors involved to lead them to such a decision. These are considered as push factors, what motivated and persuaded people to immigrate to Canada. Within the country, Canada provides numerous opportunities as they are a democratic society that are very welcoming, making people feel welcomed with the likes of Charter Rights and Freedom. As people strive to meet their demands, finding an adequate environment, sometimes they may have to relocate across the country. After wars and conflict, the economy may crash, or the area they're located in might become dangerous, resulting in the finding of a sustainable environment. This makes Canada such a viable option, a huge land with many job opportunities, being a first world country with advanced technology.
Housing Crisis
Montreal Massacre 1980
Baltej Singh Dhillion Incident 1983
Inquiry Question
Why is discrimination constantly present throughout history?
I feel as though discrimination is, and always will be present throughout history and in our modern day society as we continue into the future. This is because everyone has different perspectives and opinions on the image of others, being influenced by their previous experiences. Everyone is raised differently, having different environments and people surrounding them, resulting in everyone to differentiate from each other, giving everyone their own unique identity. As a result, sharing different opinions lead to arguments and disputes, and acts of racism. Throughout the course of history, people have always been judged by their appearance due to education, social class, political affiliation, beliefs, or other characteristics. An individual's way thinking can not be altered by the government, resulting in discrimination towards gender or race to always be there, no matter the size, within society.
Indigenous Rights
Inquiry Question
Do you feel as though the indigenous are not valued and compared as equals to normal civilians?
In my opinion, I feel as though the indigenous located in Canada are not valued the same and are discriminated against when compared to regular civilians, especially in the past. Being the rightful owner of the land, Canada has continued to expand as a nation with limited regard to the opinion of the indigenous, continuing to be faced with challenges that violate their human rights. In the past, people have put in the effort to claim land over the indigenous, violating their land and personal space. In addition to this, they have been casted away, an area lacking in resources to supplement their needs and demands. Moreover, they are politically under-represented and lack access to social and other services. Since Canada has represented the land, it is evident that the indigenous are undervalued and treated unfairly.
South Moresby, BC
Berger Inquiry
Oka Crisis
Computer Moves in
New Entrepreneurs
Insecticides in New Brunswick
Inquiry Question
How has technology benefited the advancement of society? Do you feel it has had a negative impact?
The development and constant innovation of technology has directly affected society, in both a positive and negative manner. In the late 1900s, with computers being developed and new innovations being introduced to the public, society was revolutionized. Technology has allowed everyday activities to become much more efficient with the help of technology, allowing access to work at home and things such as a digital clock. Also, these advancements had created new forms of communication and entertainment with the creation of the internet and video games. On the other hand, technology had negative effects as well, people had lost jobs due to technology automated work, while teens and adults had become addicted to technology, causing the physical and mental health of many to deteriorate. Some individuals didn’t like the idea of robots and machines taking over while others were reliant on it, causing an imbalance as some never adapted to the changes in science and technology.