History 3rd Year

War Of Independance

War Of Independance

The Treaty/Civil War

The Treaty/Civil War

Nazi Germany

Nazi Germany


Extreme Nationalism

Cult of wise leader


Hostile to democracy

Strong opposition to communisim and socialism.

Who were the Nazis?

Joseph Goebbels

Responsible for probeganda

Heinrich Himmler

Head of SS

Hermann Goering

Chief of the Luttwaffe (German airforce)

Adolf Hitler

Leader of Nazi party

Spread of dictatorships

Causes of Hitlers rise to power

Weakness of Wellmar republic

The Great Depression

Economic crisis.

Hittlers leadership of the Nazis

Hittlers Policies


The SA and SS (SS black ) SA (Brown)

It was the largest party

Treaty of Versailles

Germanys Humiliation

Germany accept blame for war

They had to pay £6,600 million in compensation

they were only allowed 100,000 in their army.

Germany lost a lot of territary to England and France

They were forbidden to join the league of nations or unite with Austria.


Hyper inflation

German econonmy collapsed

Dawes Plan

American Government loan Roughly $200 million to Germany

Less people were jobless

The economy was rebuilding

Nationalist Socialist German workers party

Nazi Party

The SWASTIKA was the symbol

Facist, racisist, nationalists.

SA's and SS's


Hittlers body guards

SA (Brown shirts)

Known as 'storm troopers'.

Set up by nazis

Ernst Rohm was incharge of the SA's

Himmler was leader

Black shirts

Secret police


You can not speak negativly about the government.

Differences inbetween Communism and Facism.


Private owned companies were not allowed, the wealth would be shared among the people (State controlled)


You were allowed privaterly owned companies


Munich beer hall Putsch

Attempt to take power.


Hittler with a lot of men ran into a beer hall wih a gun and took hostages.

He goes to jail for 5 years.

While in jail he writes a book called Mein Kampf

Hittlers Ideas


he tries to make a living space for Germans.

He said he would unite with austria and take over Czechoslovakia.


Slaves and jews were subhuman.

Master race was Germany

Germany should take what it laks from others

Germany should be ruled by a Fuhrer.

He gained widespread popularity.

President Paul Von Hindenburg

Was a War hero

Keeps Hittler in check

Hittler looses support.

Rise of Nazi party

People vote for communism or nazi party

Hittler gets 107 seats in the 1930 election

Hittlers Propaganda

He kept his messaages simple

He was a powerful speaker

Hittlers Promises



To be proud again

Reverse treaty of Verrsailles

Get rid of jews


Living space for germans

End weak democracy.

Hittlers becomes in power

In 1933 Hittler becomes chancellor

Germany was in a bad economical state

Reichstag Fire

Dutch Communist arrested for burning riechstag

4,000 communists were arrested

Parliament bulidings set on fire

Banned all other political powers

Enabling Act

Due to enabling act Hittler became dictator..

Rule by decree

SS and Gestapo

SS Private Army

Gestapo were secret police.

1929 Wall Crash

the great depression in USA

America pulled loans out of Germany.

What Happend to Opposition?

Concentration camps were set up

The Gestapo could arrest prisoners without trial.

A work camp

The camps were established soon after hittler came to power.

The 1st camp was set up in Dachau.

Hittler and SA

Ernst Rohm was head of SA.

He wanteed SA to become official army

Night of the Long knifes is when the leaders of SA were eliminated.


German army


Secret Police

Led by Himmler


Hittler Youth


Nazi death squad

killed a lot of jews

Life in Nazi Germany

Life in Nazi Germany

Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century

Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century

Factors influencing crime and punishment

Social changes and divisions

Conflict between different groups in society.

Economic changes

Greater gap betwween rich and poor.

Rising expectations

People wanted tvs household appliances and cars

Advertising created expectations

Growth of cities and towns

People unknown to each other

more oppertunities to commit crimes

Public opinions

People wanted more policing

people wanted more punishments

The bloody code

More executions and 200 offences resulted in death penalty.

Ex, sheep stealing you would be hanged.

Who enforced the law?

Robert Peel introduced the 1st police force they were called "Peelers". (1829)

Public hangings seen as a deterrent to crime.

What were the punishments?

Executions was too severe for many crimes. the bloody code was ended.

They began to use punisment to improve an offender.


They were transported to australia to do free labour for there punishment (For 7 years).

Changes within prisons

Peels Gaols act 1823

They weren't chained up

Seperated by gender

Different systems

Hard labour

they had to carry out work such as on a quarry or on roads.

Silent system

they were not alowed to talk to anyone. You did your hard labour in silence.

Seperate system

By themselves in their own cell

Why was it introduced?

cheap labour

teach them value of hard work

to stop people from getting up to mischieve.

Hard labour within a prison

The treadwheel

Like walking on a treadmill.

Some prisons it made flour.

The crank

A large handle which people had to turn.

Hulks were former naval ships put next to ports for extra prisoners tha were working in the docks.

Key Words

Capital offence- the legal killing of someone as a punishment of crime

Deterrent- Punishment to discourage people from commiting crime

Hue and cry- chasing a suspected criminal with loud shouts for help

Maginstrate- A judge

Pilory- Your head locked in place.

Sarictury- protection in a safe place, usually a church.(Midieval times)

Seperate system- everyone in differen tcells

Silent system- can't talk to people

Stocks- legs locked in place.

Terrorism- use of voilence to achieve political aims

transportation- Sending criminals to australia as punishment.

Treason- betraying a government.

Trial by combat- Battle between acussed and acuser.

Trial by ordeal- innocence by painful test.

Women in the Early Twentieth-century Ireland

Women in the Early Twentieth-century Ireland

The Troubles in Northern Ireland

The Troubles in Northern Ireland

World war 2

World war 2



1916 Rising

1916 Rising