How can assistive technology and differentiated learning (specifically Google read and write) be used to enhance my Visual Arts lessons that benefits all types of learners in my classroom?

Critical Thinking

DIfferentiated Learning


In the Classroom

Student relationships

Student - Teacher Relationships

Classroom Environment

Values and Beleifs

What I think

OVerall thoughts

Digital Literacy

What types of technology are used in the classroom?

Applications for in class technology

Google Read and Write

Google Read and Write

What does it do?

Vocabulary List Builder

Study Skills Highlighter

Collect Highlights

Read aloud with dual colour highlighter

Talking Dictionary

Picture Dictionary


Fact Finder


PDF and ePubs

Navigational Tools



Virtual Manipulatives

Virtual Manipulatives

Speak It!

Speak It!



Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation

Talking Calculator

Talking Calculator

Draw it! for iPad

Draw it! for iPad



Role of the Teacher

Using Technology in the Classroom


Online Class Calendar

Adaptive Content

Noise Control

There are a variety of applications and websites that teachers can use to control noise levels in the classroom. Applications like Too Noisy can be projected as a visual representation of the noise level in the room. This helps to keep disruption to minimum and can almost become a game in the classroom.

Virtual Field Trips

Visit places typically out of reach by virtually visiting them through websites like Google Cardboard this gives students a chance to see places they may not normally get to see in their educational careers

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard

This can help students by giving them real world experiences.

Another form of this is by using websites like Google Earth to view a place that you may be visiting on an actual field trip ahead of time in order to enhance student experience

Google Earth

Google Earth

Video Lessons

Videos can be used as stand alone lessons in the classroom. In most cases these are used as a review for the topic that is being discussed. Websites like Teachertube are a great resource for educational videos that can relate to any topic in the curriculum.

This is a great resource for visual learners as it gives them more of an experience than just listening to a lecture. There is more of an impact as it gives students a different perspective from just their teacher.

Live Video instruction

Having a special guest in the classroom is not always limited to someone physically coming into the room to teach your students. With the use of technology you can video conference (live video) with a teacher from another school or even an expert in the topic at hand. Using sites like Skype or Google Hangouts can give students another perspective on something.

This is also very useful in terms of Assessment As Learning. Students can prepare questions they want to ask the guest ahead of time in order to have a more fulfilling and experiential lesson in the classroom.


Playing podcast can be a way to supplement a lesson that your are presenting to your class. This is a great way to engage auditory learners.

In a high school setting you could propose an assignment where students analyze a podcast related to a subject or have them create their own.

Multimedia in lecture/presentation

Using pictographs and infographics is a simple way

Processing Content

Virtual Manipulatives

Learning Stations

Online Activities for early finishers

Exit Cards

Hashtags for questions

Analyzing web content

Online Mind maps for brainstorming

Collecting Feedback

Creating Products

Class website for collaboration

Student Blogs

Open Ended Projects

Online Sign Ups

Technology focused assignments

Unique Learning Experiences

Game Based Learning




Implementation of technology in lessons planning

Assistive Technology in the Classroom