My ELL Student
Key Terms
English Language Learner
Cultural Awareness
Learning Canadian Curriculum
Making Connections
Understanding Lived Experiences
Adjustment Factors/Academic Factors
Building Positive Relationships
Language Behaviour and Skills
Confident, displays a growth mindset, always trying her best
Student is very Althetic and enjoys soccer. Is a leader and guides others of what to do and what position to play
Interacts with her peers in a positive manner and a
always trying to help other out
Always requests to play cultural songs in her language in the
classroom and then completes work independently. I think this helps her develop a sense of familiarity and belonging
Home Language
Home Language is Urdu
Student knows letter names and sounds in this language. Student can also speak and read in Urdu
Student has a tutor at home to assist in English Language Learning
Student attends Quran classes to learn home language