Number the Stars
Deception of the truth or point-blank lying is acceptable when it is done to protect the people you love. Annemarie learns this lesson after immediately realizing that her mother and uncle are both lying to her. Her uncle confessed that they did indeed lie, but that it was only to preserve her bravery. “‘ Your mama lied to you, and so did I… We did so to help you to be brave, because we love you. Will you forgive us for that?’” (58%).
"Number the Stars" By: Lois Lowry
Man vs. Society~ The Rosens are attempting to escape this unjust society created by Hitler. They did nothing wrong and yet they are being punished for it. The Johansens feel it is their duty to protect their friends from the Nazis.

Ellen Rosen is a short, stocky, dark-haired, ten-year-old Jewish girl. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark with her parents in the apartment above Annemarie's apartment. Ellen is Annemarie's best friend. Ellen is terrified when she is separated from her parents. She stays with the Johansens and when the Nazis come to the door demanding to know who she is, she courageously pretends to be Lise, Annemarie's older sister who is dead. Ellen goes with Annemarie, Kirsti, and Mrs. Johansen to Uncle Henrik's where she is soon reunited with her parents. At her parents side, "it was as if Ellen had moved . . . into a different world, the world of her own family and whatever lay ahead for them." Ellen and her parents make it safely to neutral Sweden.
The story begins in Copenhagen, Denmark during World War II. The Johansens and their friend the Rosens, who are Jews, discover that Jews are being taken from their homes and removed from their jobs and taken to Concentration camps by Nazis who are occupying Denmark. In order to save the lives of their friends, the Johansens help the Rosens flee to Sweden where they can avoid capture. The story ends two years later after the war, and although the Rosens have not yet returned home, the Johansens continue to wait for them.
Annemarie is the protagonist of the story. She is a tall, blonde, ten-year-old Christian girl living in Copenhagen, Denmark during World War II. Annemarie is a relatively innocent child, Annemarie understands that she mustn't draw attention to herself, that she needs "to be one of the crowd." Annemarie begins to lose her innocence when she realizes that Ellen's life is in danger. She proves her friendship with Ellen many times by protecting her from the Nazis.
Annemarie learns the meaning of bravery. She understands from her experience that ordinary people are called upon to be courageous. She also realizes that it is much easier to be courageous if you don't know the extent of the danger. Annemarie knows that bravery is the result of standing up for what you believe in, regardless of the dangers.