political participation in the peace process

political participation in the peace process

Why is this important for the FARC?

Consequences of the Plebiscito in the country

It is the way to handle conflicts peacefully and the final breaking of the connection between politics and weapons.

More than 50 years ago, the FARC were born an armed opposition group has since appeared justified in the search for political ideals, with the passage of time is distorted leveraged by kidnappings and drug trafficking.

What is the purpose?

The government is betting on a pact that, in the words of Humberto de la Calle, chief negotiator for the Colombian government,"Deepen and strengthen our democracy, promotes the pluralism and the political inclusion, the political participation and the transparency in the electoral process".

Because they are interested in participate in politics and aspire to that such participation can take place in a security stage. However, I personally think that this point is not only important for the revolutionary group.