

Individual efforts for protection and order maintenance

Programs provided by the state and not-for-profit organizations have been

developed to mitigate the risks in modern times. Recently, innovative ways have

It helped communities reduce crime and increase the perception of security.

These include public / private programs such as community policing. A French scholar, Franck Vindevogel (2002), compiled and analyzed data on how private efforts

Physical security measures

security became necessary for human existence

This evolving creation of proto-government

resultant shaping of the protected community into a distinctive political entity

Animals for protection

Animals probably preceded defensive structures to protect people

In this Law, important clarifications are made about what it must mean by pet, wildlife, exotic fauna, zoo breeding, nursery, working animal and guide, etc.

The nexus between police and the military

If the military is primarily responsible for macro risks generally occurring outside
of the nation, police are responsible for internal micro risks within the community

To manage the peace

power: to deprive people temporarily of their liberty for reasonable cause.

In the 19th century, an era of increased urbanization, industrialization,
and economic change reshaped Western society

The concept of an organized military

In the Western experience early forms of military forces could be found
among the Phoenicians and early Hebrews

Warships were first recorded by the Egyptians in 3000 BC. This is established by
archeological evidence, which indicates that Egyptian ships were designed to
support offensive or defensive maneuvers, and not merely fitted for conventional

Protecting the interior of structures

Security is needed within as well as without a walled community or structure

Egipto (Eras, 1974; Buehr, 1953).

England is a
multi-point locking secured chest dated from about 1700

hidden places within walls
or furniture or under floors were frequently created.

These were inexpensive to
construct, but might be discovered eventually by others. Traps sometimes
ensnared users who attempted to open a door but failed to know the secret of the