Solar On Schools
Eighth Grade
Overarching Understandings
Matter and energy exist in various forms; transformation and conservation of matter and energy occur in processes that are predictable and measureable.
Humans are dependent on the diversity of resources provided by the Earth and Sun.
Overarching Essential Questions
What is energy?
Why do we depend on resources?
Students will understand that...
There are different forms of energy, and those forms of energy can be transformed and transferred.
Different ways of obtaining, transforming and distributing energy have different environmental impacts.
Essential Questions
If energy could not be transformed or transferred, how would your life change?
How does the energy I use in my home affect the environment?
Do humans have a unique responsibility to the Earth?
Students will know...
Forms of energy (e.g. EM, sound, potential, kinetic)
Examples of human impact on the environment associated with energy use.
Humans depend on natural resources.
Students will be able to...
Critically analyze evidence of human impact on the environment associated energy use.
Use technology to gather and analyze data.
Ninth Grade
Overarching Understandings
Humans are dependent on the diversity of resources provided by the Earth and Sun.
Matter and energy exist in various forms; transformation and conservation of matter and energy occur in processes that are predictable and measureable.
Overarching Essential Questions
What is energy?
What if we ran out of resources?
Students will understand that...
Humans are dependent on the diversity of resources. There are costs, benefits and consequences of renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Potential use of a resource is determined by its chemical and physical properties.
Essential Questions
How do we evaluate costs and benefits of extracting and using resources?
Students will know...
Impact of human actions on Earth's climate.
Humans consume various resources throughout their lives.
Costs, benefits and limits of energy sources (fossil fuels, alternate energy).
The Chemical and Physical properties of some resources: i.e. fossil fuels; natural gas.
Students will be able to...
Describe how humans are dependent on resources.
Evaluate costs and benefits of exploration, extraction and consumption of resources.
Identify mechanisms in the past and present that have changed Earth's Climate.
Energy Foundation
Energy Bingo
Energy - Historical Perspective
Energy Statement