West Stanly Middle School Stakeholder Involvement Teacher Self-Assessment


What have I done today to create a better relationship with at least one of my student's families?

Do I need professional development in different avenues of communication with parents? Have I asked for professional development in these areas?

How can I, as an individual, increase parent involvement in my own classroom, content area, and/or team?

Am I willing to go the extra mile to open up communications with families, such as calling an interpreter when needed or making home visits?

Have I shared requests for resources or support needed to further my communications efforts?

Do I see opportunities for more parent involvement in decision-making? Have I been proactive in sharing my ideas?


Do I see opportunities for more teacher leadership or empowerment? Have I been proactive in sharing my ideas?

Do I take advantage of opportunities to become involved in decision-making?


Do I have a relationship with a local business or organization that I could use to help them establish a partnership with our school?

In what ways can I help to increase community awareness of the accomplishments and needs of our school?

Have I shared requests for resources or support needed to further my partnerships or the school's partnerships with organizations within the community?

Do I see opportunities for more community involvement in decision-making? Have I been proactive in sharing my ideas?

Do I know my students' familiies in such a way as to build parternshhips with them within the context of their own businesses when needed?