A couple, looks for answers to climate change and for this they doan experiment and start a diet to reduce CO2 consumption
In Unated states a family produce 80kof Co2 in a day and in an eropean family produce a half
They reduced personal emissions to keep the world safe
they understood that the principal cause of climate change was the emission of Co2
the couple wanted to go from 80kilos of Co2 TO 13
they puther bills in a calculation webside and discovered that they produce 30%higher than a normal couple.
Thy hause doctorinveigate his house and they helped them
ED mINCH (the doctor) givesyoutpstohrlpimprove your cause.
He discover that the energy absorbed by electrictronics in standby mode can add up to 25 percent of a home's electricity bill.
they followed the advice of an author and began to prioritize everything that uses energy in the house
finally they reduce the flow of carbon lifestyle.
from producing 80 kilos of Co2, they began to produce 32, moving forward to achieve their goal
They seek to make a greater change as obtain energy from a regional wind farm or grow food locally.
There should be a plan for companies or sopping centers , to avoid generaiting Co2 without control
The great problem of Co2 is so serious, that it could take two decades to be solved
the rest of the world isn´t waitting for the US to show the way.
they sis that all start with a change and whit little things like remplace a light bulb or taking a bike to the post office.
energy diet
Co2 Reduction