Teaching English To Children:A Unique ,Challenging Experience For Teachers, Effective Teaching Ideas

Why do we teach children a new language ?

Is essential needed for children who want to immigrate to other countries to follow the educational systems

Is to motivate young learners to be ready and have self confident in learning English at higher levels of education

Is very important role in social relationship among human beings

The Characteristics of Children

In learning language, children begin learning simple expressions

Broadly speaking, children learn abstract rules of language from which they listen

Scott and Lisbeth (1992)

Are mature enough

They have a particular point of view

They are able to describe the difference between facts and fictions

They are curious of asking questions

Hashemi ( 2008 )

believes that teaching to children is a delicate and sensitive task for the following reasons

Language learning class for them is their first year of schooling

They are highly motivated and energetic

They are new sponges to absorb

They have various language back grounds

They are easily frustrated if corrected immediately

They are ready to imitate and participate

They love group work

They love independence

They need respect and attention

They easily learn from their environments

They are great competitors

Language Teaching to Children

Children tend to have shorter attention spans and a lot of physical energy

Scott and Ytreberg (1990, 2)

“Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears.

The physical world is dominant at all times.”

In order to keep them engaged it is necessary to supplement the activities with

lots of brightly colored visuals




A language teacher can make the language input enjoyable and comprehensible as well

According to Cameron (2001, 10)

We can see how classroom routines, which happen every day may provide opportunities for language development.”

TPR ( Total Physical Response ) Method

James Asher

Is a method of teaching language developed

It is based on the premise that the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth

including the sign language of the deaf

The theories and principles behind TPR

L1 language acquisition theories

Brain Lateralization into right and left hemispheres

Affective filter and stress reduction

The characteristics of language teachers who teach to children

Must be energetic and patient

Must love children

Must pay attention to individual differences

Must encourage , encourage , and encourage

Must let children see the beautiful and useful aspects of the language

Must let them love you as the language teacher and the new language as well

Must know the techniques of teaching

Must respect children as human

Must start teaching to children as soon as possible

Some teaching tips for new teachers

Teaching English to children, should be enjoyable, interesting, repetitive, and understandable

There should be appropriate methods and techniques for teaching English to them

Speak clearly and concisely

Use enjoyable language learning games

Let them listen to music and watch cartoons in English

Observe successful language classes for teaching tips

Get your real objects to the class