France and Britain
They promissed
part from a speech to an American audience in 1919

The League Of Nations

The Birth Of The League

President Wilson

World Parliament

Where the representatives of all the nations could meet together regularly to decided to decide any matters that affect them

"There is no other way to do it than by a universal league of nations, and what is proposed is a universal league of nations"

Lloyd George

Simple Organisation

Would just get together in emergencies

Georges Clemenceau

A strong army

All the major nations would join the league

If they had a dispute with another country, they would take it to the league

They promised to accept decision take by the League

People opinion

Some people were angered by Wilson's arrogant style

he acted as if he only knew the solution to Europe's problems

Others were worried by his idealism

Most people in Europe were prepared to give Wilson's plan a try

A body blow to the League

The league was supposed to enforce the Treaty Of Versailles yet, some Americans, particularly the millions who had German ancestors, hated the Treaty itself

Some feared that joining the League meant sending US soldiers to settle every little conflict around the world. No one wanted that after casualties of the First World War

If the league imposed sanctions it might be American trade and business that suffered most!

Some feared that the league would be dominated by France and BRitain and would be called to help defend their empires! Many in the US were anti-empires

The Aims Of The League

Discourage aggression from any nation

Encourage countries to co-operate, especially in business and trade

To encourage nations to disarm

To improve the living and working conditions of people in all parts of the world

Article 10

was the most important of all

was about Collective Security

Membership of the League

Both countries

had been weakened by the IWW

Neither of them had the resources to fill the gap left by the USA

For these leaders, the League posed a real problem

They were the ones
who had to make it work

British Politicians

If they had foreseen the American decision, they would not have voted the League

Felt that the Americans were the only nation with the resources or influence to make the League work

More interesting in rebuilding British trade and looking after the British Empire than in being an international police force


Main concern was still Germany

Worried without an army to protect them, the League was too weak to protect France from it's powerful neighbor

It didn't think Britain was likely to send an army to help it

this make France quite prepared to bypass the League if necessary in order to strengthen its position against Germany


The council

If there was a problem, the council solved it

Permanent Members

France, Britain, Japan and Italy

could stop the Council acting even if all members agreed


Temporary Members

elected by the Assambly

for 3 years periods

Moral condemnation

Could decide which one was the aggressor

Could condemn the aggressor action and tell it to stop what it was doing

Economic and financial sanctions

Members of the League could refuse to trade with the aggressor

Military Force

The armed forces of member countries could be used against an aggressor


Each memeber of the council had a Veto

The assembly

League parliament

Could add new members to the league

Could appoint temporary members of the Council

Could vote on the budget of the League

Could put forward by the council

met once a year

Their decisions have to be anonymous

They had to be agreed by all the members of the members of the Assembly

The permanent Court
of international Justice

Play a key role

settling disputes between countries peacefully

Based at the Hague in the Netherlands and was made up of judges from the member countries

If it was asked, the court give a decision

Give legal advice to the Assembly or Council

Had no way of making sure that countries followed its rules

International Labour Organisation

sort of civil service

Had specialists sections covering areas such as health, disarmament and economic matters

League Of Nations Commissions

The Mandates Commissions

The aim was to make sure that Britain and France acting interests of the people or territory (the colonies of Germany and her allies ending up as League of Nations mandates ruled by Britain and France on behalf of the League), no its own interests

The Refugees Committee

At the end of the IWW lot of people was without home so the refugees committee was the committee in charge of search a home for them.

The Slavery Commission

were the ones who search try to abolish the slavery

The Health Committee

attempted to deal with the problem of dangerous diseases and to educate peolple about health and sanitation

The League and border disputes in the 1920s

Corfu, 1923

Between Greece and Albania

On 27 August, while they were surveying the Greek side of the frontier are, Tellini and his team were ambushed and killed. The Italian leader, Mussolini was furious and blamed the Greek government murder

On 26 August he demanded that it pay compensation to Italy and execute murders

The Greeks however, had no idea who the murders were.

On august 31 Mussolini bombarded and then occupied the Greek island Corfu

fifteen people was killed

Greece appealed to the League for help

fortunately, the Council was already in session, so the League acted swiftly

It also suggested that Greece pay compensation but that money be held by the League. This money would then be paid to Italy, and when, Tellini's killer were found

Mussolini would probably have failed if the British and French had stood together

there was much anger in the League over the Council's actions and the League lawyers challenged the legality of the decision. however the rule was never changed

The Geneva Protocol

The Corfu incident demonstrated how the League of nations could be undermined by its own members

The new conservative government refused to sign the Protocol, worried that Britain would be forced to agree to something that was not in its own interests. So the protocol, which had been meant to strengthen the League, in fact weaked it

How did the League of Nations work for a better world ?


the league did a tremendous work in getting refugees and former prisoners of war back to their homelands

Working Conditions

It also campaigned strongly for employers to improve working conditions 48-hours week, and an eight-hour day, but only a minority of members adopted it because they thought it would raise industrial costs


The heath committee produce important achievements. AS well as collecting statistical information and spreading good practice it sponsored research into infectious diseases with institutes in Singapore, London and Denmark. It started a global campaign to exterminate mosquitoes, which greatly reduced cases of Malaria and yellow fever in later decades


The league make recomendations on marking shipping lanes and produced an international highway code for road users

Social Problems

The League blacklisted companies which were involved in the illegal drug trade. It brought about the freeing of 20000 slaves in British-owned Sierra Leone. It organised raids against slave owners and traders in Burma

After all, Wilson won

In 1919 he took personal charge of drawing up plans for the League

By February he had drafted a very ambitious plan

Also, they promised to protect one another if they where invaded