॥ श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता ॥
Shreemad Bhagavad Gita
The perfect guide to build a perfect personality.
The life-invigorating स्वास्थ्य और शक्ति प्रदान कर्ता message of the Lord.
Provides the guidance for an abundant life (18-73)+ (3-11).
Dialogue between me (Arjuna) and Cosmic Consciousness (Sri Krishna).

॥ ॐ श्री परमात्मने नमः ॥

6-39 Who is whose guru? None but Iswara alone can play the role of the guru.

कृष्णं वन्दे जगद्गुरुम्

कृष्णं = kRiShNam = kRiShNa pulls you towards him, tearing all bondages
वन्दे = [one] salutes, praise the kRiShNa
जगद्गुरुम् = jagadgurum = to the guru of the world jagat जगत् = universe, the manifest world
guru गुरु = teacher, guide, mentor, remover of ignorance.

Reference Book : The Bhagavad Gita Commentary by Swami Chidbhavananda, Published by Sri Ramkrishna Tapovanam, Tirupparaitturai

Inspired By: Guruji G. Narayan, Vadodara
Mind Map By : Bharat Banjara
Arpit Banjara.
Message of the Lord "The Song Supreme"
.'. No Commercial Value, Not for Sale.

योगः Yoga
6-02 Strength of mind is his who practices yoga.

The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to yoke' or 'to unite'.

"Yoga is the very dexterity of work" P 37.

2.11 Keeping the mind constant in all eventualities is the way of the wise. He who harmonizes his thought, word and deed verily gets into yoga.

2-45 "Even mindedness is yoga".

Yoga = bringing harmony between mind and body.

2-48 Perform action, O Dhananjaya, being fixed in yoga, renouncing attachments, and even-minded in success and failure; equilibrium is verily yoga.

बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते ।
तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् ॥ २-५०॥
2-50. The one fixed in equanimity of mind frees oneself in his life from vice and virtue alike; therefore devote yourself to yoga; work done to perfection is verily yoga.

2-50 ‘योग: कर्मसु कौशलम्’
1. कर्मसु कौशलं योग: Efficiency in actions is yoga.
२. कर्मसु योग: कौशलम् Yoga is skillful in actions.

2-53. When mentation विचार-प्रक्रिया ceases in equilibrium = Samadhi or Spiritual Illumination. Atman in Its original Splendor is then realized. Yoga reaches its culmination here. This state of pure-Conscious is the goal of life.

2.66 Yoga is the science of self-culture.

4-28 Acquiring wealth by honest means and utilizing it for the public weal, is a form of Yajna.

6-02. Sankalpa (Resolution) = selfish motive behind an action. Sanyasa is the renunciation of sankalpa. Strength of mind is his who practises yoga. Only a man of strong mind can meditate as well as discharge his duties very efficiently. This is how sankalpa sanyasa = karma yoga .

6-18 Possession of the mind in its entirety is yoga. ---- Sri Ramakrishna

6-23 The meaning of yoga is to yoke one with one's supreme nature.

6-36. Yoga is hard to attain, I concede, by a man who cannot control himself; but it can be attained by him who has controlled himself and who strives by right means.

8-09 & 8-10 Prana or life-energy of the ordinary man leaves the body at death through the apertures. But it goes out differently when the yogi departs from the body. It gets concentrated between the eye-brows and exits through the skull. This last event is also the outcome of the strength of yoga.

18-78 Yoga is union between the Divine and the human.

How to become Perfect Personality ?

मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये ।
यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ॥ ७-३॥

7-03. Among thousands of men scarcely one strives for perfection, and of those who strive and succeed, scarcely one knows Me in truth.

सिद्धि = Perfection = Sidhdhi = great ideas = Fulfillment, accomplishment, complete attainment, success, the hitting of a mark, healing of a disease, coming into force, validity, payment, indisputable conclusion, solution of a problem, maturity, preparation, cooking, prosperity, good luck, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification, final emancipation, the acquisition of supernatural yogic powers-all these and more are indicated by this one word-Sidhdhi.

All striving for the achievement of the one or the other of these features. Among them he who aspires for the attainment of the Divinity, stands supreme according to the Lord.

The higher the ideal, the harder is the achievement of it. Pitfalls are too many in the path to Divine Perfection. Competency for Divinity is rarely found among men.

1. The right attitude,
2. the right understanding,
3. the right adjustment,
4. the right application -
these are the fourfold indispensable virtues that lead the aspirant to Divinity. Men who are fully equipped with all these divine qualities are rare indeed.

1. The right attitude
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2. The right understanding,
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3. The right adjustment,
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4. The right application
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Mukti = emancipation is assured for all. Some get it in this very birth. Others have access to it after two or three births, while yet others have to wait and go through countless births before becoming competent for emancipation. But all are destined for Mukti some time or other.

The plan and purpose : To evolve out of man, a personality that is perfect from all points of view.

The material of which such a personality is built.

To do good and to make others do good is possible only to the powerful in body and mind.

A strong body
& A virile mind

Strength = Life = Atmabodham

To Be firm of body,

Formidable of mind,

constant of character,

This world and the next one too are for the strong alone.

Right conduct originates from strength

straightforwardness comes from it;

enjoyment traces itself to it;

practice of yoga is possible because of it;

attainment of Moksha is enabled by it;

reaching Godhood is impossible with out it;

all divine traits have their source in it.

In strength lie the key and clue to all the teachings of the lord.

The strong and virile one is heroic. He is the accomplisher of everything in life.

Weakness is death.

Weakness is condemned downright by the Lord. नायमात्मा बलहीनेन लभ्यः

He cannot achieve anything great.

1-30 Body and mind are interrelated. Change in one leads to a corresponding change in other.

The criterion of a powerful personality.

It is efficiency that makes character.

The master of senses is capable of executing any undertaking nobly and virtuously.

9-18 The goal of life varies, but all the divergent goals of all the people can be sorted and brought unmistakably under three classes.

Class 1. Striving for long efficient life.
Life = Sat = Truth = Maintain Balance = Main Body. The existence aspect of Reality.
A person endowed with efficient hand.
Chapter 1 to 6.

Each activity is actuated by will. The gross manifestation of the will is action. The entire creation is the manifestation of cosmic will. All forms of will resolve themselves ultimately into the will to live.

God is life. Souls have emanated from God. So they attempt to assert life in the midst of seeming extermination imposed on them by the play of Nature. This assertion of existence called Sat. And God is defined as Sat.

Man feels but machine do not. Feeling is concomitant with life. It undergoes several modifications. Expressions such as like, friendship, fulfillment, admiration and support are all positive aspect of the faculty of feeling while dislike, enmity, frustration, jealousy and opposition are all its negative expression. Negative ones retard.
To sublimate emotions to highest pitch is summum bonum of life.

Class 2. Searching for more happiness. Happiness= Love = Anandam = Bliss = 1st Wing
With a loving heart, Sri Krishna = Great charioteer residing in the heart of all.
Ultimate Reality.
Chapter 7 to 12 .

God is love. A man of devotion is attracted towards God. Pure loves generates sweetness. It also express itself as bliss. Supreme bliss is divinity itself. Bliss is Reality. It is in search of this bliss that souls struggle and hug life. But its bliss, life would not be tolerated even for a moment. Out of the fully blossomed flower of emotion flows the nectar of Anandam.

The great factor in the formation of personality is love. All living beings are endowed with love, though the degree of it may vary. And this love can be purified as well as intensified. From pure love emanates sweetness in all its excellence. It has the power to bind all beings in affable unity with the Supreme Self = परमात्मा = Cosmic Consciousness = Sri Krishna.

Class 3. Seeking after wider knowledge.
Knowledge = Light = Chit = 2nd Wing
Cosmic reality.
with a clear head.
Chapter 13 to 18.

The path of knowledge = Intelligence, awareness, cognition, consciousness, conscience - these are terms indicating the same faculty.

The divine lamp of Intelligence is enshrined in the temple of the human frame. As the faculty of understanding undergoes purification, the inner light begins to shine with greater glory. The processes of cleansing the faculty of understanding are presented in the third section dealing with the path of knowledge.

God is light. It is ultimately realized by the seeker that what shines through human frame is none other than the inextinguishable Cosmic Light. The yoga of knowledge contributes towards the purification of faculty of understanding until it reaches its culmination in intuitive knowledge.

The intellect may be equated with the broad blazing sun, which reveals everything in its true light. But for the intellect, the higher qualities of things remain unrecognized. It is the intellect again that guides beings to right action. To a person endowed with an efficient hand, with a loving heart and with a clear head nothing more remains to be added. He becomes a complete personality verging on Divinity. Perfection marks him for its own. A harmonious development of the hand, the heart and the head is patent in such a personality.

God = Sat + Chit + Anandam = Shri Krishna = Lord = The Supreme Self =परमात्मा = Iswara = Cosmic Consciousness, who reside in me.
2-07 Be disciple to Sri Krishna. Get instruct from Sri Krishna. Take refuge in Sri Krishna. Supplicates for the gift of Sreyas (the good). Chose Sreyas (the good) against Preyas (the pleasant).

And these three groups are nothing but the modifications of Sat-Chit­ Anandam - Life, Light, Love. This is a comprehensive definition of God. He is therefore the direct or indirect Goal of all beings.

1-14 I am always associated with Cosmic Consciousness. Righteous धर्म group very soon have the goddess of Victory and - the goddess of kingdom bestowed on it by grace of Cosmic Consciousness.
6-07 Indifferent to everything else, the yogi is (I am) in constant communion with the Supreme Self =परमात्मा. This is the Sreyas (The Good) sought after by (me) the wise.

4-34 The master (Jagat Guru = Sri Krishna = The Lord = Sat -Chit - Anand) awakens the spiritual consciousness in me. More than that, he leads the initiated into Brahman Itself.

I am expected to follow all three systems of Yoga simultaneously until I find fulfillment in me as well. Perfection in me then becomes complete. I become one with God and God gets defined परिभाषित in me.

गतिर्भर्ता प्रभुः साक्षी निवासः शरणं सुहृत् ।
प्रभवः प्रलयः स्थानं निधानं बीजमव्ययम् ॥ ९-१८॥
9-18 I am the Goal, the Supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Shelter, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation, the Treasure house and the Seed Imperishable.

Self-perfection is the goal in life.

भक्त्या मामभिजानाति यावान्यश्चास्मि तत्त्वतः ।
ततो मां तत्त्वतो ज्ञात्वा विशते तदनन्तरम् ॥ १८-५५॥
18-55 By devotion (Bhakti Yoga) he knows Me (Sri Krishna) in truth (Karma Yoga), what and who I am; then having known Me (Sri Krishna) in truth, he forthwith enters into Me (This is Jnan Yoga).

2-72 Brahman-nirvanam = Aparoksha-anubhuti = get identified with the absolute state. And this is goal of life.