Uso redes sociales
I am andres castillo, I am 13 years old, I like video games, soccer, I help my father at work (independent work), and I also like to cook
What are they
Social networks, in the virtual world, are sites and applications that operate at different levels - such as professional, relationship, among others - but always allowing the exchange of information between people and / or companies.
frequency of use
i use the cell phone on average 4 hours a day and I turn it on more than 100 times a day
the communication method is good
this method is good and efficient because it helps to transmit messages quickly and easily
also this method helps to communicate important things between people such as: deaths, meetings and tasks etc.
these are good
These are good because they can provide us with information but this is good as long as it is not used excessively because it would become a vice
Do not use the cell phone in excess because it becomes an addiction and a way of life also can be very monotonous
classroom: I use this application to send work and get the links to enter class

YouTube: I use this application to see people playing, traveling, and people teaching how to cook
Garena free fire: I use this application to play and have fun with friends and family
WhatsApp plus: I use this application to talk with friends, classmates and family, this application is very good because even so, the messages can be seen, and this application helps to communicate easily
Dream league soccer: I use this application to have fun and compete with my brother