Waste Management

Shopping Smart

Positive: Buying clothes second
hand from a thrift store cuts the
production cycle down tremendously
as you no longer need to produce the
clothing in any way, or dispose of it,
which gets rid of mulitple steps. The
clothing is also cheaper then buying
from a store.

Issue: It isn't uncommon for a
person to throw away their second
hand clothes sooner than they would
new clothing because they don't feel
the need to keep them because they
didn't have to pay as much to get it.


Positive: Some Countries use it to create
their energy by burning it. It goes through
a filter to make it cleaner than other chemicals.

Issue: While the chemicals going through
the filter aren't as bad as something like methane, it's still a lot at a time, and not great for the environment.


Positive: It uses otherwise useless materials to make products that would
otherwise have to be made from more
trees (for example) therefor cutting the cycle of consumerism down a step.

Issue: Only about 25%-35% of
recyling is actually put to use and
recyled while the rest isn't.


Positive: Landfills take all the garbage
from around a city and concentrate it to
one spot.

Issue: Landfills create hazards for
contamination and smoke. It also decreases
the value of land adjacent.