Youth Activist

Kelvin Doe / Dj focus
Poor country and not much resources
to help his researching. Also his country
does not have the type of schooling that
we have in Canada.
Kelvin Doe had won the
Africa youth award.
Kelvin Doe has made it onto many
web sights and onto the news,
he has also made it to.
Kelvin Doe tough himself how to build
and engineer at the age of 13 with not
many new and clean materials.
Kelvin doe also made a radio station with
only the materials he can find. He has
used the radio to talk to other people from
countries such as U.S.A.
Kelvin Doe is 19 years old.
Kelvin Doe was borin in 1999 on October
the 26.
Kelvin Doe was motivated to help his town
because they were not as economically
advanced as other countries such as USA or Canada.
His country only gets to electricity once a week and Kelvin Doe is not affected by that anymore because he now lives in America where he can use electricity as much as he wants.
Kelvin Doe was born in Sierra Leone and
moved to USA for better education and
for more successful jobs.
He is becoming a engineer
and a inventor at a very young age with
below average education and recycling for
the materials.
Wangari Maathai
Wangari Maathai has had aids which
caused her to slow her down.
Wangari Maathai has won a total of 19
awards and the biggest award was the
Nobel Peace Price on October 8th 2008.
Like everyone on on this page
she has been lots and lots
of web sights and a handful
of times on the news
which helped her carry on.
Wangari Maathai started the green
belt movement to help her environment
and help kids to learn so they can
pass it on and continue to they can make
our planet last longer instead of making it
a waste land.
Wangari Maathai sadly
died at the age of 71 years.
She belives that planting trees will make
our planet better for living, witch is true.
It will also help evryone for living.
Wangari Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya.
Wangari was born on the date of :April 1, 1940.
Wangari Maathai was a environmental
activist because in her county/Nyeri, Kenya
she planted trees and plants to help our earth
and her environment. She was also a politician
of Kenya.
Ishmael Beah
Ishmael Beah had gone
through being a child solider
as a child which could have
affected his him lots emotional or
physical. Aside this happening
Ishmael decided to not just let it happen
he took responsibility and now fight for people
who went through what he did and now have
serious problems and cant do what he does.
He now fights for this and also writes books
with his emotions on child solders, and one
of his books was nominated for a Quill award in
2007 and is a New York bestselling author for
his book A Long Way Gone.
He is a author and known for being a
fighter for rights for the people who cant
he also is lots of places on the internet
to inform people of his books and what
he is doing for many people.
To stop childern being forced into the
army. He also is a writer on this.
Ishmael Beah is 38 years old.
He is motivated to stop people being
child soildes because in part of his life
he was one and knows lots about it.
Ishmael Beah was born in Sierra Leone.
Now he lives in New York, USA.
Ishmael Beah Was born on November 23, 1980.
Ishmael Beah is trying to help stop children going to the army and kids being forced to go.

Marley Dias
People don't listen her because
she is 13 and people think she wont
have much knowledge.
Rising Star Awards.
Has been on the news
and lots of websites such as
having her own wiki sight.
Marley Dias is trying to have every kind of
people in books instead of having just white
people. Since she is doing this she is rasing
lots of awareness to authors and writers.
She is currently 13 years old.
She stives to fight for her africans
being in books because many cant
do what she is doing. She is also
fighting for many people.
Marley Dias was born in
Philadelphia, Pensilvania, Usa.
Marley is trying to stop one type of people in
books and wants to promote all types of people in