Categorii: Tot - сюжет - герои

realizată de Наталья Носонова 2 ani în urmă


К. Кизи "Пролетая над гнездом кукушки"

Роман "Пролетая над гнездом кукушки" Кена Кизи исследует конфликты между индивидуальностью и социальными нормами через призму жизни пациентов в психиатрической больнице. Главный герой, Рэндл Патрик Макмерфи, сталкивается с жесткой системой учреждения, олицетворяемой старшей медсестрой Рэтчед.

К. Кизи

К. Кизи "Пролетая над гнездом кукушки"

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Market development

Market development strategies aim for growth with existing products in new markets.

Add an action that you can take towards a Market development strategy.

Think about:

Add an indicator that a Market development strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Add an indicator that a Market development strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:

Смысл названия, сюжет и герои романа. Проблематика романа. Соотношение абсурда и нормы

Смысл названия, сюжет и герои романа. Проблематика романа

Market penetration

Market penetration strategies aim for growth with existing products in existing markets.

Соотношение абсурда и нормы
Additional info

Add an action you can take towards a Смысл названия, сюжет и герои романа. Проблематика романа. Соотношение абсурда и нормы strategy.

Think about:

Сюжет и герои романа

Add an indicator that a Смысл названия, сюжет и герои романа. Проблематика романа. Соотношение абсурда и нормы strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Смысл названия

Add an indicator that a Смысл названия, сюжет и герои романа. Проблематика романа. Соотношение абсурда и нормы strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:


Diversification strategies aim for growth with new products in new markets.

In general, the indicators for and against diversification strategies are a combination of indicators for both market development and product development strategies.

Add an action that you can take towards a Diversification strategy.

Think about:

Add an indicator that a Diversification strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Add an indicator that a Diversification strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include:


Product development strategies

Product development strategies aim for growth through the development of new products in existing markets.


Add an action you can take towards a л strategy. Think about:

Indicator against

Add an indicator that a л strategy may not be appropriate.

Typical negative indicators can include:

Indicator for

Add an indicator that a л strategy could be appropriate.

Typical indicators include: