realizată de Craig Cameron 5 ani în urmă
Mai multe ca aceasta
No worries {{first name}}. We know that things come up. We would like to offer you a 15% discount so you can complete you purchase. Would that be cool?
I don't like discounts
Everyone loves discounts :) But we understand if you don't want it.
Is there anything we can answer for you about our company or products?
Ok {{first name}} Have a nice day!
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Sure would
Cool Beans! Just use this code at checkout to get your discount. NEED DISCOUNT CODE Click the button below to use it now.
1 Hour later send follow up
Just wanted to check in and see if you were able to use your discount code.
No yet
Ok {{first name}} no worries. Let us know if you need any help with any of the following.
Something Else
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I was
Awesome! Thanks for your purchase and we know you'll be happy with it.
That's wonderful! We know you will be super happy with your purchase.
Would you mind taking a post purchase survey for us? There may be a cool surprise at the end ;)
No thanks
No worries {{first name}}. Thanks again for your purchase.
4 hours later send another message
Hi again {{first name}}. Sorry to bother you but we forgot to mention our...
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