Categorii: Tot - army - law - inventions - weapons

realizată de Patel Krish 8 ani în urmă


Another copy of rome presantation

Ancient Rome was renowned for its formidable army and advanced engineering. Roman soldiers were equipped with a variety of weapons, including the gladius, a short sword primarily used for stabbing, and spears, which could be thrown or used in close combat.

Another copy of rome presantation

Ancient Rome Gr.4 Presantation

Romes army was the most feared army not only by thier enemies but everyone

spears-spears are long sharp sticks of wood with metal like tips that you, can throw at people and animals to kill or you can use it as a melee weapon that you stab or slash with.

The gladius-The gladius,or hispanic sword they called it, is the iconic,short sword of the roman army.In combat The gladius can be used for stabbing or slashing, although it was primarily used for stabbing.

Roman weapons

Romans used catupults and crossbows(Huge ones).Both of those were siege so as the battering ram its also a siege weapon used to break through walls an catupult is used to take out walls,buildings,large groups of people and other siege weapons.

Roman war


Table I Procedure:For courts and trials.Table II:Trials continued.Table III:Debt.Table IV:Rights of fathers(paterfamilias) over the family.Table V:Legal guardianship and inheritance laws.Table VI:Acquisition and possession.Table VII:Land rights.Table VIII:Torts and delicts(Laws of injury).Table IX:Public law.Table X:Sacred law.Table XI:Supplement I.Table XII:Supplement II.

There are twelve tables

Roman law

Battering ram

Roman inventions

Arches-The arch truly became a needed stucture in the general architecture the pattern once the romans made neceesary changes on its construct to fit it within their designing schemes.Noria-A noria is a tool that is used to raise water from a stream.
