Categorii: Tot - decimals - percentages - fractions - cooking

realizată de Nandini Gaur 11 ani în urmă


Application of FDP in our daily life

Fractions, decimals, and percentages are integral to various aspects of daily life. In the context of sales, discounts are often presented as percentages, such as a 20% off deal. Cooking is another area where these mathematical concepts are prevalent, as recipes are divided and measured in parts, which can be expressed as fractions, decimals, or percentages.

Application of FDP in our daily life

Daily life examples in a rap.

Application of Fractions,Decimals and percentages

Cooking and eating

In cooking we divide pizzas,cakes and many more recipes into parts and then we eat some parts. Not only is it fraction infact we can convert into decimal or percentage.

Money (Bills)

In money bills the prices are written in decimals most of the time. So start noticing.

Examination Marks

In exam marks students get marks out of a number which is mostly 100 and it is written in fractions.


In banks there are percentages in the interests and decimals in the money.


In discounts there are percentages used. You must have seen 20% off in shops. Sometimes it also says in fractions like the picture above.


When you measure something almost everytime it comes in decimals. In a themometer,whieghing machine,ruler,inch tape and etc. it always comes as a decimal ora whole number.