Categorii: Tot - environmental - cost - water - organic

realizată de Desiree Valdez 13 ani în urmă


Argumentative Topic

Organic food is often debated for its potential advantages over conventional food, especially considering environmental impacts. Organic farming practices are designed to enhance soil health, which benefits crops and supports sustainable land management.

Argumentative Topic

Organic food, Is it better for us than manufactored food with additives?


There are pesticides in Organic Food
There are pesticides and fertilizers added to organic food
Affects the Environment
Watch what your kids eat the nutrients and additives affect their health
Can develope Parkinsons disease
More prone to dangers because they are still growing
Children can have health problems later on
Pre mature babies
Pregnant woman are prone to having low birth weight babies
Testocerone levels
Reproductive and performance
Reduces estrogen in males
Pesticides have a estrogen like compound


Population is too big
the supply and demand are met for conventional foods
High for the Economy
Conventional foods are more practical in large households
Loss of jobs don't help
Too many broke incomes to support organic eating habits
Overall Price
Worth it in the end with all the benefits it has to offer
Once there are more farms it should go down
Costs per demand are high

Sales Boom
Health and Environmental benefits
More individuals became informed
"Sales have grown from 1 billion to 26.7 billion in 2010" (Organic Trade Association, 2011)
If anything opt for organic produce
Look for sales
If you can't buy organic make sure to wash your produce thoroughly
Pesticides cling to produce the most
Online resources
super markets
Do your research to find the best prices

Environmental Benefits

Objection: Takes more energy to ship organic since its rare to find
There is just as much organic food that is shipped as well known brands and organic farming takes less energy to maintain than conventional farming
Water Quality
we need water so if these chemicals aren't getting into the water then they can't get into our health
Helps our lakes rives and streams become more clean for the wildlife to survive in
The run off from the pesticides isn't as much since the soil is more rich with nutrients than adivtives
Energy to ship energy to grow
a lot of organic food is hand maintained to it uses less machine energy
Conventional farms uses a lot of energy to fertilize their crops
Air quality
Decreases the carbon dioxide thats in the air
Shipping processed food from far away
Less pollution
. “Organic agriculture builds the health of the soil, providing the foundation for healthy crops and a livelihood for good stewards of the land.” ( Organic Trade Associatin, 2011)
Organic soil has less pesticides
Better for the plants that our wildlife is feeding off of

Background of organic food

Why havent we always farmed organically
Economy needs food that will last and provide for a family
Population growth called for more food
Been around since the beggining of time
There weren't any pesticides or added chemicals to preserve food since the beginining of time
The original type of diet
"if you consumed an average apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after you have washed it" (Organic Food Info)
"Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth." Albert Ellis, Michael Abrams, Lidia Dengelegi, The Art & Science of Rational Eating, 1992
Organic food
Method of organic farming and must be inspected to prove that it is organic by the USDA
"The word 'organic' refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meat." (Mayo CLinic)

Health Benefits

Scam for sales
More expensive and the marketing does a lot to make it seem like it is worth more than it really is
There are non
COnventional food has fda approved standards and is just as good for you
Cancer reducing
Less chimals used in the process = less harm to our bodies the healthier you are the healthier you'll get
Food is more pure and helps fight your chances of getting cancer
Additives that are added in conventional food has a lot of ndangerous chemicals
Organic food provides more antioxidants
"The simolest and most effective way to expose yourself to more antioxidants is through your diet" (Group D.)
important in getting rid of the bad in your body
Grass fed meat
More of a chance to maintain the vitamins in the meat compared to grain fed animals
Soil that they are eating from is richer and free of additives
More omega 3's
Less pesticides
More healthy babies in pregnant women
less likely to develope diseases
Helps with growing kids