realizată de Modaser Mojadiddi 5 ani în urmă
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The Winnipeg hockey club won the Olympic gold after two scoreless extra-time rounds against the US.
The Vancouver Asahi baseball team played their last game as they were Japaneses and they were sent to the internment camps
Maurice "Rocket" Richard scored his 50th goal in his 50th game of the NHL season, a for around 40 years.
They fought in many major battles including D-Day, Normandy, Amiens, Dieppe and more...
The Canadian forces were strong and respected by the enemy
The Canadian navy also needed to expand in order to protect the merchant ships heading to Europe form the German U-boats that were sent by Hitler to stop the flow of resources from Canada to UK and mainland Europe
Canada ended up in the winning side of World War 2 with other Allied nations and benefited greatly from this war
The Canadian identity was more recognized around the world and Canada was being viewed more as its own country than just a British colony
1939: Canada joins WW2 one week after the British, war time economy, mass army recruitment and more...
1945: Canada joins the UN as an independent nation and voting member
They were either sent to ghost towns or to places where they had to do hard labour. Their living conditions were bad because they lacked water, electricity and many other necessities that other Canadians had.
These people faced racism across all of Canada and the majority of them were also born in Canada not Japan.
Mackenzie King offered them two choices: Go back to Japan or disperse in the rocky mountains
Around 4000 of them sailed back to a bombarded Japan
As a result of WW2 demand women were recruited again. First only singles then childless married women later women with children as well.
Women were also needed in the army so they were encouraged to support army services and nursing.
This raised awareness and challenged the stereotypes against women. It also made women realize that they can have a job outside their homes and not neglect their children.
In 1940 white women were aloud to vote in Quebec.
Wheat from prairies, lumber from BC, Ontario and New Brunswick, and many minerals all were sent to eastern ports in Canada to produce war equipment or be sent to Europe.
This also resulted in a massive immigration from rural areas to urban because of job opportunities causing housing shortages.
During the war 116000 Canadian (30000 women workers ) workers produced 16400 which also included 450 Lancaster Bombers. They were produced in Malton Ontario by Victory Aircraft a crown corporation.
Other countries like Canada also had small communist parties mostly made up of workers. These workers organized unions and strikes like the Winnipeg General strike which lead to better conditions and wages for the workers ultimately.
The Canadian government was really concerned about communism's foothold in Canada and did everything in its power to remove communism from Canada
Anyone could have been sent to prison or interrogated or tortured in the hands of the law if they were linked to anything remotely related to communism
Failed to stop Hitler from annexing and invading other European countries
Failed to stop Italy and Mussolini from invading Ethiopia in its hopes of recreating the Roman empire
Failed to stop the Japaneses empire from its invasion of southeast Asia and its war crimes
Overall they were a failure in its main task of preventing future wars
Canada was also present in the meeting that eventually led to creating of this organization
1923 Hitler tries to overthrow the Bavarian government with other right wing members but fails and is sent to prison for 5 years but only serves 1 year because he is not seen as a threat to the public
1933 The Enabling act is passed and Hitler becomes a dictator
1939, Hitler invades Poland after securing a treaty with USSR and the Allies declare war
1945, Hitler commits suicide with his wive, fearing getting captured by the Soviets as they had captured Berlin.
The beginning part of the depression the Conservatives were the majority in Canada and though they tried their solutions were not effective against the depression. They made work camps which backfired and raised taxes.
after Bennett the liberal Mackenzie King took office and his solutions of lower taxes, tariffs and increasing trade with Britain was effective and he was the prime minister of Canada as the depression faded.
Canadians especially the middle class and lower really struggled during this time. A huge part of the population lacked food, shelter and many other necessities of life.