Categorii: Tot - pérdida - extranjeros - derechos - nacionalidad

realizată de Ignacia cerpa 3 ani în urmă


Capitulo 2 Nacionalidad y Ciudadanía

El documento aborda principalmente la nacionalidad y ciudadanía en Chile, definiendo quiénes son considerados chilenos y las condiciones bajo las cuales se puede perder la nacionalidad chilena.

Capitulo 2                        Nacionalidad y Ciudadanía

Topic flotante

Capitulo 2 Nacionalidad y Ciudadanía

Type in the name of the book you have read.

Artículo 14: Los extranjeros avecindados

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Artículo 15: En las votaciones populares

Type the main events of the book, classifying them in: events from the beginning, events from the middle, and events from the end of the book.

Describe the story visually. Add a representative picture for each of them.

Event from the end of the book

Type the main events from the end.

Add a representative picture for each of them.

Event from the middle of the book

Type the main events from the middle.

Add a representative picture for each of them.

Event from the beginning of the book

Type the main events from the beginning.

Add a representative picture for each of them.


In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.

Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:

Type in the theme


Type in the quotes

Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.


Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.

Type in the resources

Artículo 13: Son ciudadanos

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The main idea is what the book is mostly about.

Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:

Artículo 12: La persona afectada por

Type the names of the book characters. Start with the main character.

Draw arrows to represent the relationship between them and if it is possible write on them what they represent for each other (if they are relatives, friends, lovers, enemies etc.)

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Topic principal

Artículo 11: La nacionalidad chilena se pierde

What is the reason why the author wrote the book?

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Articulo 10: Son chilenos

Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.

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