Activism Hărți Mentale - Galeria publică

Explorați vasta noastră colecție publică de activism hărți mentale create de utilizatorii Mindomo din întreaga lume. Aici, puteți găsi toate diagramele publice legate de activism. Puteți vizualiza aceste exemple pentru a obține puțină inspirație. Unele diagrame vă oferă, de asemenea, dreptul de a le copia și edita. Această flexibilitate vă permite să folosiți aceste hărți mentale ca șabloane, economisind timp și oferindu-vă un punct de plecare solid pentru munca dvs. Puteți contribui la această galerie cu propriile diagrame, odată ce le faceți publice, și puteți fi o sursă de inspirație pentru alți utilizatori și să fiți inclus aici.

Frida Kahlo
Laura Marquez

Frida Kahlo

după Laura Marquez

Ruby Bridges
Christal Simon

Ruby Bridges

după Christal Simon

Food Waste
Isabella Henty

Food Waste

după Isabella Henty

Martin Luther King Jr.
Gustave Maschhke

Martin Luther King Jr.

după Gustave Maschhke

ENST 240 Environment and Society
Jay Roberts

ENST 240 Environment and Society

după Jay Roberts

Building Relationships - Summative
Dalia Hamour - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

Building Relationships - Summative

după Dalia Hamour - Jean Augustine SS (2612)

Endind segregation

Endind segregation


Task 1
Santiago Sierra

Task 1

după Santiago Sierra

Youth Activist
Chris Castellanos

Youth Activist

după Chris Castellanos

Womans Rights to Education In Pakistan correccting part 3 pictures
Lillian Ganim

Womans Rights to Education In Pakistan correccting part 3 pictures

după Lillian Ganim

THINK Climate
Sally N

THINK Climate

după Sally N

Om Marathi
Marathi Om

Om Marathi

după Marathi Om

DAPL Research Project
Caitlin Scalise

DAPL Research Project

după Caitlin Scalise

Martin Luther King
pretini ambra

Martin Luther King

după pretini ambra

Martin Luther King Jr.
Mindomo Team

Martin Luther King Jr.

după Mindomo Team

The new Face of Teen Activism
Guida Bianchi

The new Face of Teen Activism

după Guida Bianchi

My Identity: Shaima Ali
Ali Shaima

My Identity: Shaima Ali

după Ali Shaima

Feminist Pedagogy & Adult Learning
Johnny Woods

Feminist Pedagogy & Adult Learning

după Johnny Woods

23.1 Am.s and Nat. Ams Seek Equality
Andrea Nguyen

23.1 Am.s and Nat. Ams Seek Equality

după Andrea Nguyen

Change the world, vocabulary
LORE Delphine

Change the world, vocabulary

după LORE Delphine

HIPHOPRAP timeline
Mahal Himmat

HIPHOPRAP timeline

după Mahal Himmat

Civil Rights Movement
Jeffrey Briggs

Civil Rights Movement

după Jeffrey Briggs

The Three Pillars of White Supremacy
Adrianna Davis

The Three Pillars of White Supremacy

după Adrianna Davis

Tactical Mapping
Jessie McShane

Tactical Mapping

după Jessie McShane

Nanchahal Akshat


după Nanchahal Akshat

The Race V1b_BL
Benson Lee

The Race V1b_BL

după Benson Lee

activists 2
Taha Farooq

activists 2

după Taha Farooq

VIP's of the civil Rights movements
Daylin Hernandez Crisostomo

VIP's of the civil Rights movements

după Daylin Hernandez Crisostomo

Police Brutality Activists
Gill Paawan

Police Brutality Activists

după Gill Paawan

Me A Citizen
Patel Akshar

Me A Citizen

după Patel Akshar

Carla Podda


după Carla Podda

Protection of Public Lands in Utah: Assemblage Map

Protection of Public Lands in Utah: Assemblage Map


VIP's of Civil Rights
Jake Johnson

VIP's of Civil Rights

după Jake Johnson

Who and why might have women decided to come together to lead the idle no more movement and what influence did that have on indigenous women around them?
SS - 10PD 708829 Louise Arbour SS

Who and why might have women decided to come together to lead the idle no more movement and what influence did that have on indigenous women around them?

după SS - 10PD 708829 Louise Arbour SS

Women in Rhetoric
Anna Kenney

Women in Rhetoric

după Anna Kenney

Black Canadians:
Khushmeet Dhillon

Black Canadians:

după Khushmeet Dhillon

Deforestaiton Of The Amazon
jude b

Deforestaiton Of The Amazon

după jude b

read the speech "Who are the Agitators" by Charles Lindbergh's. I want you to generate three questions, three quotes, and connections (text/self, text/text, or text/world)Create a mind map to repres
Faze Hummus-Boy

read the speech "Who are the Agitators" by Charles Lindbergh's. I want you to generate three questions, three quotes, and connections (text/self, text/text, or text/world)Create a mind map to repres

după Faze Hummus-Boy

#2 - Thunder Bay
Shamma Sajed Alam

#2 - Thunder Bay

după Shamma Sajed Alam

Elwood's Childhood
Beth Ford

Elwood's Childhood

după Beth Ford

Aiden Russell Democratic Principles 2023

Aiden Russell Democratic Principles 2023


#3 - Prince George
Shamma Sajed Alam

#3 - Prince George

după Shamma Sajed Alam

Emily Carr
Emily Sun

Emily Carr

după Emily Sun




Will Francis


după Will Francis

Daily Routine of Gerley Tenorio Angulo

Daily Routine of Gerley Tenorio Angulo


Considering that it is unusual for people to be both wealthy and humble, how do some of the richest people in the world remain down to earth and humble with all their material possessions and fame?
Jacqueline Williams

Considering that it is unusual for people to be both wealthy and humble, how do some of the richest people in the world remain down to earth and humble with all their material possessions and fame?

după Jacqueline Williams

Valeryia Matskevich


după Valeryia Matskevich

Like A Love Story by: Abdi Nazemian
Hasti Jahanmiri

Like A Love Story by: Abdi Nazemian

după Hasti Jahanmiri