Connectivity Hărți Mentale - Galeria publică

Explorați vasta noastră colecție publică de connectivity hărți mentale create de utilizatorii Mindomo din întreaga lume. Aici, puteți găsi toate diagramele publice legate de connectivity. Puteți vizualiza aceste exemple pentru a obține puțină inspirație. Unele diagrame vă oferă, de asemenea, dreptul de a le copia și edita. Această flexibilitate vă permite să folosiți aceste hărți mentale ca șabloane, economisind timp și oferindu-vă un punct de plecare solid pentru munca dvs. Puteți contribui la această galerie cu propriile diagrame, odată ce le faceți publice, și puteți fi o sursă de inspirație pentru alți utilizatori și să fiți inclus aici.

Portable devices
opet neki lik

Portable devices

după opet neki lik

Instructables Art education: A connected learning community

Instructables Art education: A connected learning community

după AMANDA Taylor

Virtual Private Netw
sihui lau

Virtual Private Netw

după sihui lau

 Saskia Sassen: Towards a Sociology of Information Technology
Bethany Graham

Saskia Sassen: Towards a Sociology of Information Technology

după Bethany Graham

MS302-303 Section 1: Planning Network Infrastructure
James Herbert

MS302-303 Section 1: Planning Network Infrastructure

după James Herbert

Barriers to Online Learning-SO
Sheena Ohol

Barriers to Online Learning-SO

după Sheena Ohol

Bains Amritpal


după Bains Amritpal

Network Infrastructure
khaled AlZahrani

Network Infrastructure

după khaled AlZahrani

EAL/D Teachers' Network
Glenn Saxby

EAL/D Teachers' Network

după Glenn Saxby

Organigrama arbol morgane
Danielle Berg

Organigrama arbol morgane

după Danielle Berg

Smart Phones
matthew gaddis

Smart Phones

după matthew gaddis

Biosphere Strategic Plan
John Rodgers

Biosphere Strategic Plan

după John Rodgers

Dolors Abdeselam Embarec


după Dolors Abdeselam Embarec

Communication Process
Mariana Calderón

Communication Process

după Mariana Calderón

Social Media 
Terms & Concepts
James McElroy

Social Media Terms & Concepts

după James McElroy

What could be the advantages and disadvantages of technology in covid times?
Machado Naranjo Machado Naranjo

What could be the advantages and disadvantages of technology in covid times?

după Machado Naranjo Machado Naranjo

Glenn's PLN
Digital Literacies
Glenn Saxby

Glenn's PLN Digital Literacies in TESOL

după Glenn Saxby

The Social Media Discourse
Delara Hosseini

The Social Media Discourse

după Delara Hosseini

Internet of things.
Alexander Zaldaña

Internet of things.

după Alexander Zaldaña

Connecting Social Media to Politics
Jaren Kump

Connecting Social Media to Politics

după Jaren Kump

The Internet
mark watson

The Internet

după mark watson

Digital Learning Technologies
Andrea Yanez

Digital Learning Technologies

după Andrea Yanez

Internal Computer Components
David Nguyen

Internal Computer Components

după David Nguyen

Joe Schmo


după Joe Schmo

The effect of learner training on the use of Digital tools to support English Writing Skills
Sayyora Jumakulova

The effect of learner training on the use of Digital tools to support English Writing Skills

după Sayyora Jumakulova

Risks and Mitigation Activities
anoud ibrahim

Risks and Mitigation Activities

după anoud ibrahim

 hola baaybis

hola baaybis


Social media apps have revolutionized communication, connecting people worldwide and facilitating the sharing of information and ideas. but there are also negative factors such as: The operation of social media apps requires massive servers to handle the vast amounts of data generated by users.
Huzaifa Ahmed

Social media apps have revolutionized communication, connecting people worldwide and facilitating the sharing of information and ideas. but there are also negative factors such as: The operation of social media apps requires massive servers to handle the vast amounts of data generated by users.

după Huzaifa Ahmed

Tipos de redes
Freddy Guanotasig

Tipos de redes

după Freddy Guanotasig

Personal Computing Devices
Maria Englert

Personal Computing Devices

după Maria Englert

the advantage of using digitalization on language teaching
yudi juniardi

the advantage of using digitalization on language teaching

după yudi juniardi

Main topic
Malphena Zayzay

Main topic

după Malphena Zayzay

Projet Migration Rise
Cyrille J

Projet Migration Rise

după Cyrille J

Types of Computers
Yashika Lal

Types of Computers

după Yashika Lal